Pregnant Platy


Apr 15, 2007
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South Wales!,U.K
hi- yes ive had the same problem my platy seems to have been pregnant for about a month and a half now this will be her first batch . her stomach is enormous and from the back her stomach is almost square. i put her in a breeding net yesterday but no fry appeared this morning. im really worried she might reabsorb them why do they do this anyway?!
I would take her out of the breeding net, breeding nets can be quite stressful for fish and can cause them to abort their fry. If the female platy is comfortable in the main tank and is not getting harrassed by any males or anything like that, i would keep her in the main tank and just let her give birth in such surroundings. The female is more likely to abort or reabsorb her fry when kept in a breeding net than when left alone in the tank as normal.
Just make sure there is a decent amount of dense planting in the tank for the fry to hide in once they are born so you can retreive them and put them in the breeding net once they are born.

im really worried she might reabsorb them why do they do this anyway?!

They reabsorb they when the conditions in the tank are not good enough for the fry to be born in, or the mother fish is just generally very stressed.
are u sure she has definately been pregnant for 1 and a half months? she could have just been a bit fat or sumthing at the start and may only have been prego for a month? if not.. check her scales.. they should be flat but if there pineconed it could be dropsy or sumthing else. basicly just take a good look at her, if shes swimming fine and seems happy, try not to worry.:)
dont worry sometimes fish dont give birth for ages really like some one said to me how long is a piece of string?
it reali the same consept

soz about spelling
thanks, no she deff dont have dropsy. im just worried that she might give birth when im at school or something! i dont like keeping her in the net anyway it makes me sad seeing her all cooped up in there! my tank is pretty well planted and the males dont chase her which usally means that she is pregnant. i dont have any photos of her sorry ill try and get some its just that she moves so darn fast!! anyway thanx for the advise :good:
If her stomach is starting to look square, then she is very close to dropping her fry. Just try leaving the lights off a little longer than usual, may just help.

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