Question .......?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2007
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hi people i havnt got a betta but i was wondering on getting one :unsure: but i dont know if they are going to attack my fish or vis versa so do you people think it would be a good idea or not?

so could you lot help me please :rolleyes:
bettas are solitary fish and prefer to live alone, i have a male in a 2.5 gallon and he loves it, the only fish i have had heard bettas getting on with is cories (sometimes) and ottos
cories in my experiance are fine with fighters, however this is just about the only other kinda fish that is, ideally keep a fighter by himself :)
okay thank that is alrigth then coz i can have him in the tank i have already because i have got a new 3 foot tank what i can put my current fish in then most proberbly if i feel like it get a betta
the only fish in your signature i would trust a betta with is the pleccos. i have a male veiled black mollie with a hole in his tail from when i had to breifly house a betta in my community tank
I must have been extremely lucky, I had a betta a few years back and he was in a community tank with all different kinds of fish, he seemed pretty happy in there, apart from he use to flare at me if I decided to have a good nose into the tank. I have to admit at the time I didn't know an awful lot about bettas and the lfs didn't really inform us to well about what not to house him with, I think they were probably just happy to get rid of a fish to be honest.

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