What Is A Good Shoal Fish


Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2007
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hey i is wondering what is the best shoal fish to go with the fish i have already
how big is the tank? what sort of size fish are you looking for? any particular colours or anything? there's literally hundreds of options for shoaling fish!
i have a 160 litre tank which is 3ft and in a way any size just not really sizes of guppys and has to have good colours reallylike guppys if you know what i meen
you have a 160l tank with the following fish in? the tanks 43 gallons so you can have 43" of fish total

2 female chocolate sailfin mollys - 8"
1 female orange dalmation molly - 3"
1 female blue gourami - 2"
1 small orange sailfin mollys - 4"
1 male silver molly - 3"
1 male orange dalmation molly - 3"
1 male blue gourami - 5"
2 fat lip gourami - unsure of these
1 butterfly fish - african butterfly fish? - 5" maybe
1 common pleco - 12"
2 sailfin plecos - 24"
1 upside down catfish - 8"
and 10 molly fry

your already way overstocked without taking the fat lipped gourami's and molly fry into account.

you can't add any shoaling fish to the tank, you have no room.
i have room at the mo and i will have a new tank and much bigger when the fish are 2 big so gettin more fish aint a prob at the moment
I'm afraid I have to agree with Miss Wiggle. There's no way you could have a shoaling fish in that tank at the moment. When you get the new tank, THEN maybe you'll have the space.
well last night while i was asleep all me fish died due to the heater blowing up

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