Just One Fry?


Fish Crazy
Apr 3, 2007
Reaction score
Basingstoke, Hampshire
My boyfriend found a teeny tiny fish inside one of those suction cups which was holding my Bn fry net up last night. It is about 4mm long clear/white colour with a huge eyes and a tiny bit of black on its tail. Im pretty sure it is a platy fry because I have 4 females and one could possibly be pregnant. However, I can only find this one little fry and the females don't look pregnant at all!
Do you think this little guy was premature?
someone could have given birth and the rest of the fry got eaten
don't think there's any livebearers that will never eat they're own fry.

it may be less likely in some species (although i can't say i've ever heard that before) but who'se to say your platys isn't the exception to teh rule, it happens across the board in fishkeeping!
they only livebearer i have had that hasn't ate its own fry is mollies although i do get the occasional guppy that doesn't either, good luck with the fry :good:

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