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  1. C

    old school guy, would like bit of info

    hey guys long time since ive been on here, this was my planted tank long time ago, since then i went marine, 3ft, then 5ft. had the tank for over 3yrs, tbat was untill last week when i added a fish and...
  2. C

    Discus Biotope

    of course, i would not jump right onto wilds, firstly they would be more demanding than tank bred, and the second factor was cost, these fish came from a breeder not a store..the few stores and i mean few that did carry discus had stunted fish! and were asking silly monie for them two, the fish...
  3. C

    Discus Biotope

    do all discus have stress bars?? even man made varients??? as i have a couple of fish that have very light stress baring like in your sig, but a few pigeonblood varients that are bold as brass lol
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    Discus Biotope

    haha, i went home at dinner to mess with my piping but it was frozen, its been really cold -7 last night and getting coler tonight, had been keeping an eye on the tank temps it had been sat at 82 the last few days, but the cold spell has brought it down to about 80, and slightly just below, so...
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    Discus Biotope

    its justone fish in particular, but i would expect them to be quiet stressed, they have moved home, been introduced to new surroundings and fish too. they are slowly getting more confidence in the tank and comming out as a group, i have added the leaves now and i think their intregued haha im...
  6. C

    Discus Biotope

    hi, fish selection was purely down to the stock at the lfs, the only one i trust tbh, i did want cardinal tetras, but they had no stock, we dont have a great selection, the tank itself is by no means finished, i have some indian almond leave here ready to go in ont he floor of the tank, and i...
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    Discus Biotope

    btw if i do up chnages and add another interval making it 3 times a day, it will change from 50% a week change to 73% change a week
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    Discus Biotope

    well plumbed it in last night, and got it all working, its a shame the water but is so far away, and the temp really dropped last night to -7 so i think i now have some frozen water in my pipes, but it only happens for about 3 weeks out of the year. i now have the submercible in the...
  9. C

    Discus Biotope

    think i might stay away from live food stuff then, and try to mix it up with different pellets, got up this moring and they hadn't touched the beef heart mix :( then looking into the tank i startled one and it went crazy for a few seconds, and nearly jumped but went up into the floating fake...
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    Discus Biotope

    well, had a good long think last night about a w/c system,,,, and have been drilling holes in my kitchen, the grey lines added are 15mm pipe, i used this in the fish house, one will connect to my water butt/submersibel pump, this will pump into a 10+ litre container, the container will...
  11. C

    Discus Biotope

    sorry the smaller ones came out of a different tank, they were younger. the larger ones are the 9 months approx. i will get some frozen stuff in, at the mo i just have tetra prime, they are starting to have a nosey at the food now, i used that as its one of the foods the breeder fed, to keep...
  12. C

    Discus Biotope

    i do have one thats a bit nippy, but i think there starting to sort their order out
  13. C

    Discus Biotope

    hey guy's well bit the bullet!! went to look at the discus breeders stock, he had fish ranging in size, from babies to adults to pairs, hi setup was really clean and well cared for, i took the advice and went for the larger fish, i went for a group of 5 he said they were about 9 months old...
  14. C

    Discus Biotope

    the tank is just under 4ft x 2ft x1.5ft, its approx 55gallons, then i have a 3ft sump underneath that adds an extra 15-20 gallons into the mix, this turns the tank over about once, maybe twice an hour if im lucky. then i have the following external filters: penn-plaxx cascade 1000 (265 gph)...
  15. C

    Discus Biotope

    lol stoner fish haha then they will eat like pigs haha im going to get some corydoras for the clean up crew. there going in tommorrow. then i am not sure wether to go for cardinal or rummy nose tetras. i believe neons struggle with the temps, i may add my 4th filter on there too haha jake
  16. C

    Discus Biotope

    here the new biotope: first i made a background, this is stood behind the glass to give depth then the tank: jake
  17. C

    Pictures Of My Rescape

    changed the tank, going to discus now here the new biotope: first i made a background, this is stood behind the glass to give depth then the tank: jake
  18. C

    Think I've Found The Source Of My High Ph

    its a shame you dont like cichlids lol your water is perfect for them, alot of people would kill for that water out of their taps lol. as others have said ro really is the only other option, but its costly. you could get water from the lfs but that will cost too, dont you have a good friend who...
  19. C

    Ph Troubles...

    on a side note you can buffer with bi carb and epsom salts to buffer the ph/gh/kh too it will be alot cheaper than all the shop stuff your buying, id kep the seachem malawi buffer though thats good stuff. bi carb will only ever buffer to 8.2ph then the more you add will harden the water jake
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    Heating Room With Gas Heater

    my fish shed is heated by a convector heater, 2 kw. in the morning the tank temp will be about 72 by evening it will be close to 78/79 thats with the suns heat, my fish are fine. i read some where that the lake malawi actually fluctuates quite a lot in heat, the min mine ever gets to is 72 as...
  21. C

    Cloudy Water Problem. Cant Figure It Out.

    it sounds like a bacterial bloom, by doing water changes your feeding it a bit, the high nitrates are more than likely the cause, when you do a water change, how much do you change out? when you water change how much dechlorinator do you use as over use of this can do it? what happens it the...
  22. C

    Poll - Please Vote !

    id go for mangiano and yellow labs myself imagine a few labs in there too or a saulosi species tank??? jake
  23. C

    Pictures Of My Rescape

    thanks for the comments guys the tank is just under 4ft by about 20"x20" its built into the wall, the wall is a studded plaster board wall, not load bearing, it actually closes the under stairs off. so i can get to the back of the tank via a door in the kitchen. the tank sits on a wooden...
  24. C

    Pictures Of My Rescape

    hey guys, done my rescape took ages, the argonate sand i got sold was crap, i asked for the sand in the display tank which i pretty much knew was coral sand, the guy said it was argonate, i got it in the tank it was white and full of shells, yuck, im going to put that in the sump to help raise...
  25. C

    Some Pics Of My Tank Now Its Matured

    yeah its a 3d background, made from foam, so it actually becomes a mini living biological filter in its own right, stock wise i have a varied mix of fish: i need to make a propper list up lol
  26. C

    Some Pics Of My Tank Now Its Matured

    its just under 4ft, by about 20" x 20" give or take haha i have a 3ft sump running as well as an internal and external jake
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    Some Pics Of My Tank Now Its Matured

    here are some pics of the tank and fish now there both maturing lol jake
  28. C

    My Office Hex Tank

    i think hes a sail fin anyway lol if he gets bigger he can go into my larger tank at home, plenty of room in there for him lol
  29. C

    My Office Hex Tank

    hey guys got another free tank, so i thought id go back to my planted roots for this one, basically, ei dosing and pressurised co2, hopefully i will have enough light, but you never know, its only 14gal with 22 watts over top giving me 1.5wpg, so i may have to upgrade in the near future, the...
  30. C

    Does Any One Have Cynotilapia Afra Cobwe`s?

    you could overstock a little more, per haps like this hehehehe in all fairness, it does depend what you want in the tank, i like a nice mix, others prefere two to three species, as long as you have good filtration like me, your fine jake
  31. C

    Re-scaped My Tank, Think It Looks Sweet

    a little update, the algea is starting to grow well in the tank, i also added a few more fish, a lovely gresheki and some hongi and many others lol heres a pic and vid i also added a 50 gal sump and a couple of power heads too, tank is looking really healthy, im impressed with the sump...
  32. C

    Does Any One Have Cynotilapia Afra Cobwe`s?

    you'd better not see my tank then lol i have about 60 fish in a 200litre tank lookie ps i dont have aggression and i have at least 5 4" adults jake
  33. C

    Made A Very Pro Looking Sump Out Of Glass

    yeah corse i did lots and lots of fairy liquid lol no i used a pressure washer, hence the bubbles
  34. C

    Made A Very Pro Looking Sump Out Of Glass

    hey guys the sump i made before is working good, but with no propper trickle plate i feel it could work better, luckily for me i found out about a free 3ft tank, so i went and picked it up. it came with fish lol gold fish to be precise now one was a beast nearly 7" long, so i took the to the...
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    My Lab

    are yu sure that he may not be a she, i have seen this when my females have spawned
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    Increasing Gh

    yeah its good stuf, you use about a teaspoon after a water change so a bit goes a long way i think its seachem yup it is got mine from colin at natural world jake
  37. C

    Increasing Gh

    you can actually buy lake malaiwi salts that mimic the water conditions of the lake, its about £8 for 250g iirc works good,
  38. C

    Made My Trickle Filter

    well its all done, bit of a night mare really made it a little too big, dont think the pump can hack it lol, there is no chance of it overflowinf, it isn't the torrnet i expected lol, more just a constant flow. it seems to work though. pics vid of the working i mite modyfy the top bowl...
  39. C

    Made My Trickle Filter

    hey guys bought my bits today, 40 litre bin set £7.00 from instore, came with dish bowl, strainer and cutterly holder so i used the bin for the filtetr box, the strainer for the bottom clear water area then put in the last layer of fine filter then used corigated plastic tube...
  40. C

    How Do I Make A Canister Type Filter

    right i have finalised my plans now, im going to make a trickle filter located above the tank on a shelf, it will have a 2" return, and i will use one of my 1000l/h pumps to lift water onto the flow plate its going to sit over the tank on a heavy duty shelf with brace