Increasing Gh


New Member
Nov 1, 2007
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what other ways is there of increaseing GH without using limestone/coral/ect or commercially available adjusters ?
Bicarbonate of Soda.

[edit] Can I ask, why you want to alter hardness? It is fiddlesome, expensive and a pain to do. Should really start with RO (et al) water to acheive a 'set' GH etc.

don't baking soda only increase KH/PH ?

i use nutrafin african cichlid conditioner to increase GH at the mo and baking soda to increase KH/PH. i was just wondering if there was anything better/cheaper for me to use instead of that african conditioner. e.g some kind of salt ?
you can actually buy lake malaiwi salts that mimic the water conditions of the lake, its about £8 for 250g iirc

works good,
Here's a link to a homemade buffer recipe, it uses baking soda and epsom salt, and marine salt, and is much less expensive that the commercial buffers.


thats something like i was looking for, thanks. do you use it yourself ?

you can actually buy lake malaiwi salts that mimic the water conditions of the lake, its about £8 for 250g iirc

works good,

i think ive seen something simular on ebay before, how many gallons would 250g treat ?
thats something like i was looking for, thanks. do you use it yourself ?

No, I don't use the recipe myself. Fortunately my PH is already above 8, unfortunately, the KH is really low, I was able to offset that by adding crushed coral in the filter and using aragontie sand for substrate. It's still a good inexpensive recipe though. :good:

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