My Office Hex Tank


Fish Crazy
Mar 3, 2007
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hey guys

got another free tank, so i thought id go back to my planted roots for this one,

basically, ei dosing and pressurised co2, hopefully i will have enough light, but you never know, its only 14gal with 22 watts over top giving me 1.5wpg, so i may have to upgrade in the near future, the substrate is tetraplant which i used in the last planted tank,

so far all the parimetres are bang on and the dosing and co2 seem to be going ok,

current inhabitants are one sailfin pleco, a douzen small tetras and a beautiful white pearl siamese fighter.

this will prob be the max stocking i will do but you never know a few more neons mite find there way in,

most of my plants are quick growers, whysteria, valis onion plant etc, fingers crossed the lighting is enough hahaha

with out further a do pics:







That stocking is already over the limit with the sailfin plec alone. These beasts can get to 2ft and produce lots and lots of waste.
i think hes a sail fin anyway lol

if he gets bigger he can go into my larger tank at home, plenty of room in there for him lol
Wonderful tank, and don't worry about the Gibi (sailfin) pleco, they take a bit to grow, especially in a smaller tank like that. Plus you've already got a future plan for him so you're set :good:
its true that plecos dont have accelerated growth rates but after awhile, idea of stunting comes in and this would mean even slower and most probably lesser growth. and it'd seem as if the pleco barely grew and you think it still can be kept in the same tank.
That betta is beautiful! I love that color!

Once our bus company's really cookin, I'm going to put a tank in the office. I have my 20 tall I just emptied that's going to go there. I dunno what I will stock it with yet! I told the hubby, if I gotta sit in the office I'm gonna have fish to keep me company!
hey guys

got another free tank, so i thought id go back to my planted roots for this one,

basically, ei dosing and pressurised co2, hopefully i will have enough light, but you never know, its only 14gal with 22 watts over top giving me 1.5wpg, so i may have to upgrade in the near future, the substrate is tetraplant which i used in the last planted tank,

so far all the parimetres are bang on and the dosing and co2 seem to be going ok,

current inhabitants are one sailfin pleco, a douzen small tetras and a beautiful white pearl siamese fighter.

this will prob be the max stocking i will do but you never know a few more neons mite find there way in,

most of my plants are quick growers, whysteria, valis onion plant etc, fingers crossed the lighting is enough hahaha

with out further a do pics:








Hi cuprajake
Wow I have never seen a solid white betta before! Just beautiful
Sorry hit the wrong reply button.
That stocking is already over the limit with the sailfin plec alone. These beasts can get to 2ft and produce lots and lots of waste.

Hello shroob
Double WOW! That is the biggest pleco I have ever seen. :hyper:

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