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  1. sid_zie

    Replacing Tube With Led Lighting

    I've been doing a bit more reading (sorry, for not replying).   I've been looking at this:   and wondered whether it looks like it would be suitable for a 45cm cube.   I currently have the arcadia ellipse...
  2. sid_zie

    Replacing Tube With Led Lighting

    Cool thanks for the info. Sounds like it's something for me to look into. How many watts over your 19g tank? Or does Wpg not really mean much for leds?
  3. sid_zie

    Replacing Tube With Led Lighting

    Hi, It's been a while since i've visited here. I've been looking to replace the light on my tank. It's a 45cm cube, about 60 litres. And i've been keeping mainly crypts and java fern, so nothing high demand. The light is currently 18w and quite pink looking. I was thinking about getting...
  4. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    I just thought I'd add this pic. It was taken from above the tank last night after a quick waterchange and after the lights had gone out.
  5. sid_zie

    Adventures In Fishkeeping

    Looking good - it looks soo much better with the sand. I love the loaches, I hope they enjoy it in there.
  6. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    Time for a few updated pics. I moved the wood from the centre towards the back left corner. I think I like this better, because the branches sticking up are more central. I moved the Anubias from the gravel (where is wasn't doing great, despite flowering), and wedged it at the base of the...
  7. sid_zie

    125L Oddball Adventure

    Hey, I have been reading your updates, but I dont really have any real advice - because I like how it looks. I like the look of the bogwood and the rocks. I wondered - would the rocks look a bit better clumped together in 2's or 3's rather than spread out?... (dont know - it's all a matter...
  8. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    Cool, thank you. It looks like I have some plants to look up.
  9. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    Time for an update: Last weekend I took out the hygro, which was looking a little ragged on the bottom although the top was growing well. I have moved around some crypts because I had lots of runners. But now it's looking a bit thin... So I would like some advice - it looks empty at the...
  10. sid_zie

    New Tank Set Up For Beginners

    Sounds good, definitely keep my eye open for something like that (for me as well, because I keep wanting to start up another tank).
  11. sid_zie

    New Tank Set Up For Beginners

    Nice one, that sounds like a bargain. I dont think they will have a huge amount of space - but maybe upto 200L. I will be able to donate some filter media too, but the fishless cycle thread is good to remember.
  12. sid_zie

    New Tank Set Up For Beginners

    Good point - I'd not considered this. (I've just been going with tanks around the size they have been looking at). I will ask what sort of space they have available and saying that bigger should mean more stable.
  13. sid_zie

    New Tank Set Up For Beginners

    Hi All, I have been looking for a set-up for a friend. They are beginners (and I will be on hand to help), and would like a basic set up with some plants. I've found 4 tanks, and was wondering whether if any of you have had experiecne with any of the tanks, and would/wouldn't recommend them...
  14. sid_zie

    From 48 To 180 In 3.0 Seconds Flat

    Cool, thanks for the extra information - although dont expect me to remember the name of the chemical (or even be able to say it).
  15. sid_zie

    From 48 To 180 In 3.0 Seconds Flat

    (from my understanding) The liquid carbon is in a form that is toxic to algae - they dont have the ability to break down the liquid carbon molecule. While the plants can break it down and use it for growth. So it kind of works as a double-whammy. I dont have a drop checker for CO2 in my tank...
  16. sid_zie

    From 48 To 180 In 3.0 Seconds Flat

    Hey AA, Sorry to hear about your algae troubles. I really like your tank - as it matures it will look brilliant. As for the liquid carbon, I've been using flourish Excel. I have no idea if it's the best brand, but it's doing ok for me. I've never been able to grow Vallis, so not sure about...
  17. sid_zie

    From The Ashes. Another Planted Journal

    Hey FF, Just been reading about your tanks and fish TB - really sorry to hear about that. I didn't even know it existed, and I think I should be more careful. Looks like this tank will progress nicely - I look forward to seeing it fill up with plants and fish. I think slow and steady is...
  18. sid_zie

    Trial And Error

    Nice one, this looks brilliant. Good to see that you did set up and scape another tank. I kind of like the little bit on the right, perhaps it would look better a little further back with some taller plants behind in the back right corner?... But I'm no expert. I had a DIY yeast CO2 system a...
  19. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    Thanks, Seeing all of the other tanks on here makes me want to set up a bigger tank. And other small tanks. Just loads more in fact.
  20. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    Good news; I have more photos. Bad news; they're still from my phone. After removing some of the hygro from the lef hand side, and planting some more crypt-lings, the fts looks like this: (not that much different, but I think looking tidier - more hygro will be removed gradually - having...
  21. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    Thanks Minnnt and Aquamaniac. It's not entirely what I had planned but it looks ok. A better camera? Any camera would be a start instead of using my phone. My flatmate does photography and has a posh camera, if I buy him some beers he may help out (and it will be good for him to try taking...
  22. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    Lst night I pulled up some of the hygro from the left hand side - I didn't have the heart to take it all out. In the space left I put some more crypts - the little ones that had been growing from the other ones. I also cleaned the glass, inside and out. I think it was looking better, although...
  23. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    These few pics should bring things up to date (well maybe a week behind). Things were growing fast and it was getting a little crowded at the front. So i have trimmed the crypts right down - I cut off all of the larger, older leaves. That revealed that there were lots of smaller plants that...
  24. sid_zie

    All Pond Solutions 240L Tank

    Cool, my fish were like that to start with, but now they are out a lot more. They still hide when someone walks past, but will come back quickly if you just sit next to the tank. Although I dont have as much open space as you do. If (when) I get a larger tank I'd like a lot of open space like...
  25. sid_zie

    All Pond Solutions 240L Tank

    Wow, your tank looks awesome. And I love your choice of fish. Do the fish swim in the large open area or stick close to the plants?
  26. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    OK Thank you Minnnt. I'll give this a try. I took a couple of pics back in Feb and only just finding the time to put them on here. The tank is going well. There is algae, it is growing slowly. The plants are growing pretty well, especially the crypts at the front. (and please excuse the...
  27. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    Hi All, I have some updated pics of how things are going. But... I cant remember how to post pics. Could someone point me in the right direction for posting pics? Thank you. Sid
  28. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    Just a quick update. All fish seem to have settled in fine, and no losses, so that’s good. The plants are doing ok, I think. The java fern looks good still. The crypts are growing some new leaves, but some of the older leaves have died, so maybe they weren’t keen on their replanting. The...
  29. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    Hi, It’s been a while since I updated. But quite a lot has happened. So here goes. I went to my local Pets at Home and they did have plants in, but none of them looked any good and the only plants on my list were the crypts (and I knew I could raid my old tank for some of them). So I went...
  30. Photo0063.jpg


  31. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    Yes - I can see why you like them - Thank you. Next step is plants
  32. PhotowPlants.JPG


  33. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    And based on the plant list above I've had a play with paint and hope it will turn out something like this: (I hope the labels are readable - if not I hope you get the plants from my amazing art skills) Edit - the labels were not readable - see attached without labels. Are there any websites...
  34. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    Some further update; My room has been moved around again and I like where everything is now. The table has been masterfully bodged up - lots of glue and supports for the legs. It no longer wobbles when the tank sits on it with water. The tank is full, the filter is set up and working - Big...
  35. Photo0060.jpg


  36. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    The weekend didn’t really provide much progress. In fact, it’s probably gone backwards. Before the weekend I had the empty tank stood in place. And now the tank is on the floor and the table is upside-down elsewhere. Things I’ve learnt this weekend: my little bedside table probably isn’t...
  37. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    Does the pink or white ness of the bulb make any difference to the plants growth?
  38. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    Your tank is awesome. I'd be happy if mine turned out even half as good as yours. You're right, your light does look a lot whiter than mine. The box definitely says 18W (because i have a pic on my phone) - but I will check the bulb when I get home and I'll let you know. Thanks
  39. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    Hey Steveo, Thanks - yes hairgrass - I knew it was a name that I should remember. I have the 18W light if that makes an difference. Would that make HC more do-able? Thanks again, Sid
  40. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    Hopefully this weekend I will make some progress. I’m still lacking some decent hard-scape. I have some bits of wood that I’ve used for previous tanks, but I don’t really like them that much – so I’m still not sure what to do in that respect. I’ve been thinking about plants and I have some...