125L Oddball Adventure


Fish Fanatic
Jun 27, 2012
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My friend has recently left fishkeeping and donated me his 125L tank. :hyper:
Not much going on atm...just slowly getting everything together and deciding what I want :p

Decided what I want in terms of stocking from this thread:

Some equipment ordered:

Plant list is still in progress and I'm looking for the perfect piece of wood for the hardscape atm.
Thinking of going with black sand capping topsoil for substrate, let me know what you guys think.

No pics yet as the tank's old inhabitants are still being sold by said friend :shifty:
Can't wait! Should be a fun experience! :D

Edit: The lighting and maybe the whole hood of the tank is probably gonna get replaced. They look terrible and the light's only 20W :l
I got the day off today, so I went around my nearby LFS to see what they had in terms of hardscape.
I came across this lovely piece of malaysian bogwood and a few pieces of desert rock for only $15 Canadian! Talk abooot cheap! :hey:

Played with the placement of the hardscape a bit. Definately needs work. Could use a bit of help from some of the pros out there! :good:

Also bought ~20lbs of black Flourite sand. Been cleaning it for around 4 hours in a pillowcase now. Hopefully it won't cloud up as much when I put it in the tank.

In between doing all that I found a bit of time looking around my house for a good place to put the tank. Came up with this wall here. Walking distance from the bathroom for water changes, but will need a ~25ft extention cord to run behind some bookcases to give it power.

As for the actual tank, give it a week or two. My friend's having a bit of trouble rehoming all his fishies :unsure:
So I got the tank today, and #40## was it dirty! I've learned a couple things today.

1. Dirty tanks STAIN
2. My friends is a terrible fishkeeper

I got the tank with gravel and everything, so I had to dump the gravel and give it a good scrub. The water I poured out from the gravel was pitch black!
Never ever seen a tank so dirty. And after the 3 hours it took to scrub it clean, my clothes got stained an ugly brown colour. Ugh. :sick: I should've taken a picture! Would've gotten stickied as "What your tank would look like without maintenance for several years". Poor fish. :no:

So here's the tank after I scrubbed it clean and added a black background. Already a huge improvement from when I recieved it.

Here's the tank after I put everything in. (Topsoil capped with flourite sand, the bogwood, and the rocks)

Filled with water with lights on.

C. Helferi put into tank along with a single 1" Leopard Bush Fish. (Tank cycled through seeding from my 40g)

I'm still looking for some other plants I want in there. Suggestions/Critique is welcome!
Thanks for reading! :lol: :good:

Edit: Pics were in the wrong place. Oops! xD
I'm going out to buy some plants today...any suggestions as to what to bring home?

I forgot to mention that the light on this tank is weak. Only around 0.60wpg (20w light in a 33g).

Like my other tank, I'll be dosing micros and small amounts of macros every week.
Went out to look for plants I like, but came back empty handed. Didn't see anything in the lfs that looked very healthy or nice.
They told me I could special order some in if I liked, but no names of any nice looking plants came to mind.

I'm starting to think I'm writing this journal for myself now (which is totally fine). I'd like some opinions/suggestions please. Or even just a response so I know I'm not talking to a brick wall here... :X

I have been reading your updates, but I dont really have any real advice - because I like how it looks.

I like the look of the bogwood and the rocks. I wondered - would the rocks look a bit better clumped together in 2's or 3's rather than spread out?... (dont know - it's all a matter of personal preference).

As for plants - the obvious easy to grow low light plants are Java fern and Anubias (spelling?) - I think some java fern attached to the bogwood would look good. Also you could try some moss, maybe java moss which could either cover some of the wood or make a carpet around it.

My knowledge is pretty limited compared to others here, but it looks like you've made a good start.
YAY! My first reply! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

Thanks for your advice, I'll look into moving some stuff around. Might be a while though, as this week's a busy week for me...
I'm also going on vacation for a week after, so it might be a while for my next post...

I saw some anubias and java fern/moss in the store, but they all looked very unhealthy. Probably going to wait until they get their next batch in before I buy anything.
I special ordered my 2 african butterfly fish today from my LFS, so I'll look into getting the plants when my order comes in :)
I was planning to have the same kind of set up for my 180 (african butterfly fish, leopard bush etc) until i fell in love with a pair of angels. Ah well, I shall live my dream through your journal. :lol:

It's looking good :good:
Thanks for reading! :)

Here's a couple quick snapshots of the leopard bush fish I have in there. It's only about 1" atm, and he's not really eating...I tried feeding a lot of different foods, and a couple types of live food as well. If anyone could help me out it would be appreciated.

Already checked my water stats:
0ppm ammonia
0ppm nitrite
~30ppm nitrate

Not really terrible readings imo...but I did a 60% waterchange anyways just in case.
Its also swimming around and exploring the tank, it just won't eat :/





The pics are pretty blurry...but the only camera I own is my phone, so I'll have to make do -_-
Ooo I like the fish! Now I want some! :rolleyes:

I think you need bigger rocks though to compliment the wood.
Yea he's great and I really like him, but he's really shy. He also hasn't eaten amytging since I brought him home... :unsure:
Heres the thread I started about his anorexia :(

I see what you mean about the rocks. I'll go see what my lfs has in stock. :unsure:
I know its going to probably say in that topic, but what are you feeding him?

They're hard to get onto dry food so feed him on bloodworm and other live/frozen food. I would drop half a cube (thawed) in just before lights out as they're more active at night and predators.

He's probably going to out grow your tank also so have plans in place to upgrade it. No rush though as they're pretty slow growers.

HTH matey.
I've tried bloodworms, whiteworms, flakes, sinking carnivore tablets, cut up earthworms, cut up mealworms, brine shrimp.
I'll try feeding him before lights out...maybe that'll help.
He's shy to the point he hides whenever I walk up to the tank and doesn't come out for at least 2 minutes.
I tried bloodworms and earthworms again today and he took both! YAY!! :hooray: d:D :fun: :hyper:

I've also ordered 2 African butterfly fish from my LFS, they're on their way! Can't wait! :D

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