New Tank Set Up For Beginners


Fish Fanatic
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
Portsmouth, UK
Hi All,

I have been looking for a set-up for a friend. They are beginners (and I will be on hand to help), and would like a basic set up with some plants. I've found 4 tanks, and was wondering whether if any of you have had experiecne with any of the tanks, and would/wouldn't recommend them?

AquaEl Classic 60
AquaEL Brillux 60
Arcadia Classica 50L
Arcadia Arc tank 60L

I think the set-up will have mostly easy to keep plants (java fern, some cyrpts (which will be donated by me), maybe some moss on some wood, and anubias).

I was thinking the arc tank would be good - but is the lighting too strong without CO2, and would the filter provide enough flow? (I think they would be ok to add Excel and TPN+ daily).

Thoughts and opinions would be very welcome. (and if you know of any other tanks around 60l that are good).

Iv no experience with tanks I this imsize as the smallest iv had is 125 litres but iv heard the smaller the tank the harder they are to maintain steady readings. You have more room for error with a bigger tank. Just something to consider if they're beginners :)
Good point - I'd not considered this. (I've just been going with tanks around the size they have been looking at).

I will ask what sort of space they have available and saying that bigger should mean more stable.
Yep :) that sounds like a good plan. I'd advise getting biggest they can afford and have the room for. Also I'd have. Look at buying 2nd hand as you get so much more for your money. I got a 5 foot Juwel Rio 400 (450 litre) with the proper stand, an fx5 external filter, 2 300 watt heaters, sand, bogwood, air pump, nets and the person I got it off delivered it... All for £200

Just make sure if it is 2nd hand that you either see it in person full of water before you buy or when you do buy it put it outside and fill with water then leave overnight to check for any leaks.

As the filter won't be cycled go with a fishless cycle (have a look at the fishless cycle thread in beginners section if your not sure about it) unless you have some mature media to donate :)
Nice one, that sounds like a bargain.

I dont think they will have a huge amount of space - but maybe upto 200L.

I will be able to donate some filter media too, but the fishless cycle thread is good to remember.
Just to give you an idea on what you can get 2nd hand around that size. Sold a vision 180 and a rio 180 completed with proper stands, 200 watt heaters, all pond solution ef2000 filter and a fluval 406 filter and all the sand you would need for substrate. Sold them each for £100
Sounds good, definitely keep my eye open for something like that (for me as well, because I keep wanting to start up another tank).

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