From 48 To 180 In 3.0 Seconds Flat

Cool, thanks for the extra information - although dont expect me to remember the name of the chemical (or even be able to say it).
Thanks guys that's all been really helpful!

ian - I'm currently dosing 3ml of TPN+ a day. I've only been dosing this amount for about a week. Do you think I'll still need to increase it?
with the addition of a carbo you need to dose about 1ml per 20 litres a day. This is a guide though and you may need a little more, you may find you need a little less.

you certainly notice a difference in a couple of weeks.
this is where I would insert an expletive...if I was a sweary kinda gal

Well...guess I'll need to start making my own TPN+
lol Dry ferts are really easy and incredibly cheap. I spent $2 for a lb. of KNO3 {Potassium Nitrate} and it will last me close to a year. I just mix the daily dose with a little water and toss it in when I am feeding the fishes.
Hello my fellow...thingies!

It's been a while since I posted an obscene number of pictures so I figured we were all due for a bit of time wasting :) (watch me not mention anything about the tank being messy and be impressed - oooooh yeeeaaah

I was just going to take a FTS so we could commence our family meeting about what plants I need to buy but then Zod was being a total trollop so I had to take some pictures of him and well it all spiralled out of control very quickly!



His massive fattyness ruined the pictures though. I don't know how I'm supposed to get quality shots when my models can't lay off the candy bars...time for him to go purge methinks




I got some "ok" pictures of the cardinals, but they are the best I've managed so far so I'm pretty happy :)





The plecs and rasboras weren't really playing ball tonight. I switched the filter off for the FTS and they disappeared so I gather they didn't appreciate it too much! This is a picture of the rasboras disguised as a picture of a fat betta, don't be fooled!


And the best I could get of a plec. I'm trying to decide what sex my dudes of them was flashing its cheek spikes at dinner time, does that mean it's a male? Also one of them has been showing some pale patches which I interpret as a sign of stress. However, one plec has been chasing the other one a little and it's the one with the pale marks that's doing the chasing, you'd think it would be the other way around! Neither are showing any bristles yet


And finally the FTS!


Let the discussion commence. I have GOT to get rid of the wisteria so I need something tall to go behind the wood on the right (suggestions?). I'm thinking I may get more bacopa to fill in where the wisteria is in the middle - or is that just lazy thinking? I definitely want to get some more dwarf chain sword and space out the ones in there so they will grow a bit better. There may already be enough vallis there once it fills in a bit, there's actually a small one on the far left so once it comes in it'll look a lot fuller I think. I am also tempted to get some Cryptocoryne Green Gecko[font="Verdana] [/font] and maybe put it on the left where those crypts are now or even just plant it next to them...hmmm - I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Wow your right, it's not messy!!!! Looking great!!! I thought you got rid of the green lasers?

You should try a breeding project with the Betta, he is amazing! Also the Sterbai are gorgeous. I miss Cories, may go in search of some. :hey:

Nice work too with the tank.

Why not look into Rotala Rotundafolia, Hygrophila Corymbosa or Hydrocotyle to replace the wisteria?
Ah! Still on my first coffee (and second cigarette :blush: ) - what a morning treat.

How many neons have you got in there? Sorry if I missed it somewhere else.

You really should consider breeding Zod. The extra exercise might help him get rid of that flabby belly :lol:
Wow your right, it's not messy!!!! Looking great!!! I thought you got rid of the green lasers?

Thanks :D Not yet, I'm unsure how long to keep them TBH. I want to be really confident that they are healthy before I try to rehome them but I'm not sure how long they should be illness-free before they are in the clear... :/ I can't wait to get more sterbai though - I'm thinking a group of 10 in total would be nice :)


You should try a breeding project with the Betta, he is amazing! Also the Sterbai are gorgeous. I miss Cories, may go in search of some. :hey:

Nice work too with the tank.

Why not look into Rotala Rotundafolia, Hygrophila Corymbosa or Hydrocotyle to replace the wisteria?

Thanks minnnt, he is a pretty boy and he's not one of these wimpy or overly aggressive bettas that you sometimes hear about but I am soo not in the mind to think about that yet! I think once I get my sterbai group going I'd like to try and keep some of their spawn (if they do!). The complication with breeding bettas is you really need three tanks to do it and I don't see my husband EVER agreeing to that!

Of the ones you suggested I like the look of the rotala rotundafolia most, BUT from what I just read it looks like it may send out loads of roots from along the stem just like wisteria does? Also the hydrocotyle looks like quite a low growing plant or am I looking at the wrong thing?

Ah! Still on my first coffee (and second cigarette :blush: ) - what a morning treat.

How many neons have you got in there? Sorry if I missed it somewhere else.

You really should consider breeding Zod. The extra exercise might help him get rid of that flabby belly :lol:

I've got 13 cardinal tetras, 7 espei rasbora and 6 hengeli rasbora (which I plan to swap out for more espeis as soon as I can find some!)

Re: Zod. I would love to breed him and hopefully he'll live a nice long life so that I have the years I'll need to convince my husband to let me get more tanks! That's why I think breeding the sterbai has better chances because I can just set up a big plastic tub for them which doesn't seem as "permanent" so I'm more likely to get away with it :p However, if I'm lucky enough to get them breeding like these bronzes/green lasers :)rolleyes: ) do then I'll be very busy indeed! They are looking like they are ready to spawn for the third time and I've also got at least one other young female who was looking eggy last night!

I'm sure Zod will have his manly figure back by today, he's a bit of a yo-yo dieter ya see...I tell him it's not healthy but he doesn't listen!
They really look lovely as a shoal, once I get my rios finished I will up the numbers of the ones I have.

Do it like me - I am setting up a betta sorority and if I feel confident in the future my Barry is going to get some loving with one of the ladies :wub: He sounds like Zod, mine is also so laid back so it might actually work.

So jealous on your cories breeding. Mine are always looking kinky, but nothing yet. Or the eggs get straight eaten by the dwarf gouramis, who knows. :rolleyes:
Ah right, found some better pictures of it...hmmm looks nice! Would it be OK planted in front of my filter intake?


Also...I have a confession to make. I've been vaccing my substrate daily for the past week, is an intervention in order? It's just so easy now that I can do it without a water change!
rotala rotundafolia is nice! Pennywort just made me mad, and then madder. It REFUSED to root into the sand for me and would float all the freaking time until I ripped my hair out. It was beautiful and healthy though. But I wanted it planted.

Your tank is looking great! beautiful fishes! :wub:

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