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  1. tinat

    Got A Rat For A Christmas Present

    the wheels only there because she likes to sleep in it lol . (",) i felt bad to take it away :-)
  2. tinat

    Pics Of Gourami's

    how can ya tell?
  3. tinat

    A Week Away

    y dont u leave one of them food block things out ? that lasts a week .
  4. tinat

    I Love My Pleco

    not sure id say bout 6 inches. xx
  5. tinat

    Pics Of Gourami's

    yea my gourami is very shy tho an wheneva i get close he hides in the cave on trys to hide behind a plant but his to fat now as u can see in the pics he has got a belly on him lol
  6. tinat

    Pics Of Gourami's

    this is my lovely gourami his my favorite fish :-)
  7. tinat

    I Love My Pleco

    this is my pleco i call him catty lol
  8. th_catty4.jpg


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  12. tinat

    Molly Babies

    heres 2 pics of me molly babies the 1st ones when they was first born the second one is 3 weeks l8a
  13. th_babies2.jpg


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  15. tinat

    Got A Rat For A Christmas Present

    heres my beautiful izzy
  16. th_Izzy_1.jpg


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  19. tinat

    Air Stones

    my mollies like to swim through them its like they're walkin on hot coal they speed up as they go through lol an then slow down at the end
  20. tinat

    Air Stones

    i think air stones look good too, in the background. :good:
  21. tinat


    yea its jus her an id say bout £40
  22. tinat


    yea i tried that . nothing there
  23. tinat


    i want a large rat cage anyone know where i can get a cheap one from? becoz my rat wants more room as shes got too big :rolleyes:
  24. tinat

    Ferrets In The Snow

    i want a ferret how do u keep them an look after them? i shud look it up first really :-)
  25. tinat

    Whats Your Faveourite Type Of Music?

    i like garage that wasn't on there??
  26. tinat


    than you :-)
  27. tinat

    Sits In Me Hand Lol

    i dont like doin it lol i think it feels horrible lol
  28. tinat

    Sits In Me Hand Lol

    she lets ya stroke her belly 2.
  29. tinat

    Sits In Me Hand Lol

    i have a balloon mollie an it gave birth a last week an if i put my hand in the tank an curl me fingers up like a lil bed she comes an lays in it lol awww shes so cute.
  30. tinat

    Bagheeras First Day Out

    aww his soo cute can i have him?
  31. tinat

    Siamese Fighter

    :-( he died last night and i dunno y :'-(
  32. tinat

    Stock Car Racing

    lol yeah i know wot u mean an wen u stand at the end they turn an pud goes flying at ya. me dad goes to all of them look out for him hehe his number 2 an his cars bright orange :drool:
  33. tinat


    lol his not in
  34. tinat


    i love my pleco il post a pic later when i get home coz im at work right now lol
  35. tinat

    Welcome To The Family..!

    wot bout booty? lol
  36. tinat

    Siamese Fighter

    i did remove it
  37. tinat

    Siamese Fighter

    i have a siamese fighter male then i bought a female fighter in the same tank an the male wouldn't stop chasing it an it ended up battered so i had to give it away and since then my male siamese fighter has become realy small and skinny i was wondering is it becauses he missesher or what?
  38. tinat

    Bagheeras First Day Out

    love the cat his gorgeous an i didnt know cats could talk lol