Stock Car Racing


New Member
Jan 22, 2007
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my dad does stock car racing all over the uk an i think its brilliant going to watch him an his got tons of trophies at home all lined up..

also my little brother is 11 and he does mini stox an he started in september an his got at least 7 trophies an his been in the paper, i cant believe his learned to drive b4 me lol

anyone else like it?
I used to go to Brampton Car Club near Worksop pretty much every week when I was younger, in fact my old mini ended up racing in the specials class after I blew the 2nd engine in it on the road and gave up repairing it :rolleyes:

I have a friend that races quite a bit in class 2 stocks (i think) , he tends to go to Sheffield, Skegness, Kings Lynn and Buxton. I nip and watch him every once in a while at Sheffield and occasionally over in Skegvegas :hyper: Good fun to watch unless you are upto your knees in mud on a freezing Sunday morning when it's peeing it down with rain (like when I was younger at Brampton :lol: )

lol yeah i know wot u mean an wen u stand at the end they turn an pud goes flying at ya. me dad goes to all of them look out for him hehe his number 2 an his cars bright orange :drool:

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