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  1. J

    Caring For Crabs Do They Have To Get Out Of The Water ?

    You can keep these guys in a freshwater tank as long as they have access to the air and a brackish pool. I kept a number of them in a tank with a couple of pieces of bogwood sticking out of the water as little beaches. Then stuck (using sucker from an old heater) a hamsters feeding bowl near the...
  2. J

    Cumberland Slider

    Thanks for the replies, did some seraching yesterday and found a few bits and piece. Dont think i can afford a tank big enough for them. the pet store they are in also sell what they call 'ideal' starter tank for them. Its only a 2 foot tank and they never mention anywhere how big they grow...
  3. J

    Cumberland Slider

    My local pet shop has some Cumberland Sliders and my wife has fallen in love with them, but before i let her get any im after a bit of info about them. Anyone got any info on them, i.e. what they eat, how big they grow, gallons per slider, do they live in freshwater, etc. I at least know they...
  4. J

    Dieing Red Claw Crabs

    unfortuantly the last two crabs died. :sad: At the mo the tank has the Gouramis and some bleeding heart tetras in and they all seem fine. As for getting some more crabs, going to leave it a couple of months and try and do at least one big cheap of the tank before i get anymore crabs. Will...
  5. J

    Dieing Red Claw Crabs

    Just had a bit of a nightmare with my crab tank. Got it set up as a freshwater tank with access to land and brackish water for the crabs. An Angel fish that was in the tank with them got what i thought was a nice parasite infection (disc like parasites on skin and a nice swollen eye with...
  6. J

    Porcupine Snail

    Sounds like they are horned nerties, as they are having a really good go at the algae in my tank. Cant believe how much algae these guys eat! Doing wonders for the algae problem i was beginning to have! :hyper: Do they eat algae discs that catfish eat? I live in a hard water area so they...
  7. J

    Porcupine Snail

    Bought a couple porcupine snail today and have just done a quick google search but cant find any real info about them. Anyone got any info about them or a link to a site with them on? ta
  8. J

    Red Crabs Dying Whilst Shedding?

    sounds like the other crab scared it to death as it was molting. What size tank you got and how many male (big claws) do you have in it? I know from experience that if you have too many males it only ends badly! I wanted to add a couple more crabs to my tank, which already had 1 male and 3...
  9. J

    Red Crabs Dying Whilst Shedding?

    don't know, like i said not had a prob. Do your crabs have access air and brackish water?
  10. J

    Red Crabs Dying Whilst Shedding?

    I was told just adding a few algae tablets when they molt helps. I think all 8 of my crabs have molted successfully now. What set-up do you keep them in? Also heard that brackish (which they should have access too) might also help when they molt.
  11. J

    Small White Worms

    Thanks for the info, looks like i need to cut down on the feeding! Thansk again
  12. J

    Small White Worms

    Just noticed that there are a number of small (about 3 mm long) white worm like creatures on the side one of my fish tanks. Anyone know what they are and how do i get rid of them? All that is in the tank are a few red claw crabs, an angel fish and two (golden?) gouramis. They aren't going to...
  13. J

    1 Of My Crabs Has Only 1 Claw..........

    What crabs are they? From what i understand it will grow back next time it molts. I recently got a couple more red clawed crabs. One of them has a big craw and a slightly smaller one, so i'm assuming his little one is one that he has grown back.
  14. J

    Red Claw Crab With Eggs!

    after reading this i really don't have the resources (i.e. another tank / the money to run it) or the time to try and breed the crabs. Oh well, guess i will see if they produce eggs again at a later date, but seeing as all 3 of my females seem to be carrying eggs i get the feeling they will do...
  15. J

    Red Claw Crab With Eggs!

    I have 4 red claw crabs (1 male, 3 females) in a freshwater tank with access to a brackish pool and plenty of land (bogwood). I was watching one of the females walking along the top of one of the bogwoods when i noticed something underneath her. I managed to catch her and place her in a see...
  16. J

    Red Claw Crab Info Please

    thanks i had a feeling it would be around this level.
  17. J

    Red Claw Crab Info Please

    boboboy the only think I'm not too sure about is how brackish to make the pool? I assume as they are happy in freshwater they only need low end brackish. Roughly how much marine salt do you add in g / l? I figure my stock of salt will be absorbing water out of the atmosphere all the time but a...
  18. J

    Red Claw Crab Info Please

    I've got four of these guys in a tank and they are always hiding on the back of the bog wood or in little caves I've / they have made. They do need access to air and i see mine sat sunning themselves on the top of the bog wood when they think I'm not watching. They also need access to...
  19. J

    Snail With Cracked Shell!

    Was it in a tank with any other snails? I have two apple snails and one of them have a big crack down his shell, which has almost stopped his growth. I was worried about it but as it turns out it is due to him putting too much energy into trying it on with the other snail than actually growing...
  20. J

    Mystery Snails - Literally!

    A few months back i noticed a small snail (roughly the size of a neon's head) in my community tank. It defiantly wasn't a typical 'pest' snail as it had a trap door. Anyway i isolated it for a while to try and figure out what it was, i couldn't figure it out so as it had a trap door i let it go...
  21. J

    Little Red Claw Crabs Story / Question

    Thanks for all the advice, the crabs have eaten some of the molts. My wife cant get over how much bigger the males claws look, he looks massive now!
  22. J

    Little Red Claw Crabs Story / Question

    I'm most likely going brackish when the angel dies (he is quite old), but figured the pool would be the best way to go for the time being. They are always in and out of the brackish water. Ive made sure they have a number of tight fitting caves. I have cut a terracotta plant pot saucer in half...
  23. J

    Little Red Claw Crabs Story / Question

    They are in a freshwater tank with an old angel fish (which did go for them at first but now doesnt thanks to a few nips!), they had access to land by some bogwood and also access to a brackish pool near the top of the tank (marine salt is been used for this). Small gravel substarte which doesnt...
  24. J

    Little Red Claw Crabs Story / Question

    I got four Red Claw Crabs about a month ago, 1 male and 3 females. On Saturday i got up and saw one sat motionless in one of my plants. After a couple of hours of it been there and not moving i got a little worried about it :unsure: , so i opened the tank and gave it a poke, it still did not...
  25. J

    Red Claw Crab / Cichlid?

    ok, thanks for the info
  26. J

    Red Claw Crab / Cichlids?

    thanks for the info
  27. J

    Red Claw Crab / Cichlid?

    So i finally got a bigger tank and am looking at putting some red claw crabs in my old smaller tank (a standard 1 ft tank ~10 g). I will most likly make the water low-end brackish as teh crabs like this. However my wife would also like some cichlids. Does anyone know if there are any smaller...
  28. J

    Red Claw Crabs / Cichlid?

    So i finally got a bigger tank and am looking at putting some red claw crabs in my old smaller tank (a standard 1 ft tank ~10 g). I will most likly make the water low-end brackish as teh crabs like this. However my wife would also like some cichlids. Does anyone know if there are any smaller...
  29. J

    Red Claw Crab / Cichlids?

    So i finally got a bigger tank and am looking at putting some red claw crabs in my old smaller tank (a standard 1 ft tank ~10 g). I will most likly make the water low-end brackish as teh crabs like this. However my wife would also like some cichlids. Does anyone know if there are any smaller...
  30. J

    Cichlids / Red Claw Crab Compatibility

    So i finally got a bigger tank and am looking at putting some red claw crabs in my old smaller tank (a standard 1 ft tank ~10 g). I will most likly make the water low-end brackish as teh crabs like this. However my wife would also like some cichlids. Does anyone know if there are any smaller...
  31. J

    Cherry Shrimp Going Crazy

    Ahmed, one of my cherry shrimps did the the same thing after it had been in the tank a couple of week. It lasted a couple of day and then it went back to behaving normally. I wouldnt worry about it, would be very happy if they are mating, but i havent seen any eggs on any of my shrimp yet :-(
  32. J

    Shrimp Help!

    Thanks, like i said it looked a lot like that one. Most likly did have longer arms, think it was just sold as a shrimp.
  33. J

    Shrimp Help!

    I had a shrimp like that. Unfortunately he attached my neons, killed one of them and destroyed the tail of another. Bit worried about get shrimp now!!! Just thought i better warn you, but other people seem not to have any problems with them
  34. J

    Red Clawed Crabs (again!)

    Just one last thing, do crabs eat small pest snails? Got some in the tank that i will be changing into a brackish tank and am wondering if i need to get rid of them all first or if the crab will eat them. thansk
  35. J

    Red Clawed Crabs (again!)

    Thanks for the advice, think when i get them i will just have to try them with a few different things and see what they like. Will try and remember to post a pic when i get some.
  36. J

    Red Clawed Crabs (again!)

    So i will be getting a red clawed crab soon and i was wondering what do they eat? I heard they will preety much eat anything, but what do you lot feed your crabs? Also whats the best way to feed them? Should i just add there food to the water with the food for any fish in there or should i...
  37. J

    Freshwater Vs Red Claw Crabs

    Thanks for the advice on fish. Has anyone kept red claw crabs in freshwater and just given them a pool of brackish water at the top? How big a pool does it need to be? How many crabs do you think i could get in my 10g tank? was hoping for 2.
  38. J

    Freshwater Vs Red Claw Crabs

    Thanks for the info boboboy you have been very helpful. Think i will get look more at red claw crabs when i do change the set up. How many do you recon i could put in a 10 g tank, was thinking I would only be able to put one or two in. Also as its going to be a brackish tank what fish do you...
  39. J

    Freshwater Vs Red Claw Crabs

    Because i am planning on getting a bigger tank soon and i will most likly use the 10 gallon one i have to house a number of crabs. So im getting as much info as i can before i get the new tank. That way i can plan what fish are going into the tank with the crabs. If all crabs prefer brackish...
  40. J

    Freshwater Vs Red Claw Crabs

    I think the freshwater crabs looked like the red crabs (Sesarma bidens) at the top of the crab page and the ones called red claw crabs were the Red-claw Sri Lanka Crab (Sesarma sp.) ones. Umm guess i will have to have a look and see if i can identify then a bit better! Do all tropical crabs need...