Red Clawed Crabs (again!)


Fish Fanatic
Jan 10, 2007
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So i will be getting a red clawed crab soon and i was wondering what do they eat? I heard they will preety much eat anything, but what do you lot feed your crabs?

Also whats the best way to feed them? Should i just add there food to the water with the food for any fish in there or should i place it on the little bit of land the crab will have to sunbath on?

Thansk for any info
I had some red claws a while ago, I fed them sinking shrimp pellets and H&B's aquatic newts and frog pellets and they seemed to thrive...
mine eat what they want, but seem to go on the side of veggies. breading is somewhat more frought, as i believe they need saltwater to do so. also crabs, like lobster, have a laval stage, so filtraton, could prove a bind. that said i have heard of redcrab breeding in only 3grams per liter of salt. guess research is the key hear. let us know how you go, or indeed if you come across problems.
Thanks for the advice, think when i get them i will just have to try them with a few different things and see what they like.

Will try and remember to post a pic when i get some.
Just one last thing, do crabs eat small pest snails? Got some in the tank that i will be changing into a brackish tank and am wondering if i need to get rid of them all first or if the crab will eat them.

Just one last thing, do crabs eat small pest snails? Got some in the tank that i will be changing into a brackish tank and am wondering if i need to get rid of them all first or if the crab will eat them.


cant say the only snail i ever had goten eaten by my Cray. but i do notice they seem to be more on the veggie side. dead snails, yes not sure about live ones.

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