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  1. P

    The Multiple Tanks Of My Room

    Nice tanks, wish i could have that many, i see you are from my neck of the woods :good:
  2. P

    Keeping Blue Lobster Together

    Ive got a blue lobster and im going on a little world trip for a couple of months at the end of this month and my friend has agreed to look after my lobster for me because he already has a blue lobster, he doesnt have a huge amount of money so i feel pretty bad for hiking up his electricity...
  3. P

    Blue Clawed Lobster

    That would explain why mine has no red bits on (her) claws and my mates does, will mine defiently turn out that blue? she is still a bit more like the first pic if she is still growing how big will Mrs Lobby get?
  4. P

    My Newly Redecorated Tank

    I just noticed in your sig u got 3 angels, are u not finding 1 is getting bullied by the other two? thats what happened to mine when 1 out of my 4 died, guess they didnt like the goosberry
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    Discus Tank

    how do u get ur background from not floating away?, ive got that background and it always escapes after a bit of time lol
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    Pics Of My Egyptian Mouthbrooders And Crabs....

    how big do they get? i wish my neons would breed uncontrolably
  7. P

    55 Gallon Angelfish Tank?

    Yeah dont get 3, i had 4 originally and everything was hunky dory but the oldest (my first fish ever) died and then there was 3 boy did the one get bullied all the time, which was annoying because he was my favourite one
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    Revamped Juwel Vision 260

    Looking good B)
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    Look At My Fish

    Ah, i had to do the same with a Red Scat that i rescued, he's been in FW now for 3 years and is the size of a house, although i now dare not to buy any plants for that tank because the greedy git eats them all the time
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    My Tank Redecorated!

    Have u got a plain blue background or is that a trick of the light? Looks cool IMO :good:
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    Look At My Fish

    Is the bumble bee brackish water or fresh?
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    Amazing Cylindrical Aquarium

    Well if they havent then they got a really expensive dead fish tank :crazy:
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    Sick Penguin Fish

    Sorry I know this is missing the point slightly but that fish looks really cool, never seen one of those before
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    Blue Lobster Fw

    so it hurts then? did it draw blood?
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    Shrimp, I'm Curios!

    If you got a choice go for a bamboo shrimp, ive had the most sucess with them, ive had algea shrimp (think thats what their called) and they dont seem to last very long with me, although they where a lot more active then my bamboo shrimps are :huh:
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    Blue Lobster Fw

    so has no one moved their lobster then? :blink:
  17. P

    Blue Lobster Fw

    Sorry to hijack here but ive been wanting to move mine for a while, he's not doing any harm where he is, but i got a him a nice tank all by himself, and i dont know how to move him. What would be best? My blue lobster is about 4 inches long, was thinking about picking him up with my hands but he...
  18. P

    New Pictures From Dallas World Aquarium

    whats the orange thing? the pic down from the puffer