Revamped Juwel Vision 260

cardinal sinner

Fish Crazy
Nov 21, 2006
Reaction score

Thought you might like to see a piccie of my revamped tank.
I put a new blue background on n added some floating plants.Just waitin for them to hide the heater now.
What do you think?
Hi every one
Thanks for your kind remarks
The fish i have as as follows:
Copper Harliquins
Gold Tetras Dwarf Gouramis
Various Cories
Clown loaches

I am experimenting with the co2 at the moment The co2 i was using was the nutrafin units with the homemade mix
I have not had Co2 in for 2 weeks now as it seemed to make all the plants shoot up very quickly & they drew to the light & looked stragly. Since not having the Co2 my plants are still healthy and green so I'll give it a bit longer to see how it goes.
I have never had real plants in before & must say that I am impressed with how they are going.


This is what my tank looked like 3 weeks ago.
looks lovely... :good:

if you aren't using co2, or even if you are.... get rid of the airstone, it will drive off c02 and oxidise nutrients in the water.

straggly plants are not caused by c02 btw... but poor lighting - the 2 stock tubes in a juwel aren't really enough. if you really want your plants to shine get some reflectors, another couple of tubes, and switch the c02 back on.
Hi Jamie

I no longer av air stones in i have reflectors and av replaced one of the tubes with an aqua glow one.Plants seen to be doing great without the co2. I will see how it goes

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