Look At My Fish


This is his lil hiding spec im on about

heres a vicious but cute looking bumble bee lol there so harmless.

heres another of my baby baloon molly fry theres 13!!!!

and finaly another of my black knife. I realy dont know how i got these pics of him you know.

what is the best pic out of all of them including the first ones. every one give their oppinions
heres a cool vid well i think its a cool vid of my black knife fish. Also are they nocturnal because most of the day mine hides and when i tur off the light i see him automaticly come out. They may as well be called night fish.
anyway here it is and dont forget its rare for him to come out in the light so dont forget to give him around of aplause
when he does :lol:
I would defiantly advise you get more plants, and get rid of the one you have, because its non-aquatic. Alot of lfs sell these, they will just slowly die and pollute the water :no: . When you get new plants, take the ring of the bottom of them, or remove them from any pot they come in. I would suggest you try to order some tropica 'Hygrophila polysperma' off the internet, as it is by far the best plant all round for pretty much any tank. You can also buy it from pets@home, tropicais the best brand when buying aquatic plants, and they all come with a little tag telling you of the requirements for that plant. Most lfs' sell you plants that need high light or are non-aquatic, but they don't know any less themselves. Check out the planted forum for pinned info on the best plants :).
Great vids and pics, and yes, they are nocturnal :) .
Another thing is that he will eat your bumblebee gobies as soon as he is big enough, and any other fish small enough to fir in his deceptively large mouth.
what plants do you sugest i get then and also will getting a blue flourecent moonlight for my tank
instead of the normal one i have now encourage the black knife to come out.
well at the moment its fresh but they can alternate i had them in brackish a few weeks ago.
i think the ppt is just above 0 lol so all the salt is nearly out of the sysyem they seem to be doing fine
to be honest. just as well as they were doing in brackish.
il take in to acount about buying plants online and what do you mean non-aquatic.
thanks again.
also does anyone want any more pics.
i can easily get them and have them up here at the most half an hour.
Ah, i had to do the same with a Red Scat that i rescued, he's been in FW now for 3 years and is the size of a house, although i now dare not to buy any plants for that tank because the greedy git eats them all the time
what plants do you sugest i get then and also will getting a blue flourecent moonlight for my tank
instead of the normal one i have now encourage the black knife to come out.
That wont encourage him to come out, it will just allow you to see him better during the night, and make no difference during the day. Fish need to sleep, so if you are simulating night 24 hours thats bad for them.
If you get a blue florescent, this will also stop you from growing plants. Unless you have space for two bulbs, in which case its better to use them with regular bulbs or plant bulbs and get a 'blue cold cathode' of the internet for night lighting. I got my cold cathode kit for £4 off ebay. IMO blue fluorescents are a waste of electricity and money in fish tanks.
If you only have one bulb over a tank that comes with two fittings, you will probably have an EXTREMELY low light tank. How big is your tank and how many watts are your lights? :)
The plants you should have depends on the lighting.
For a two foot tank i would imagine a bulb of around 20 watts as standard, thats what mine has. But yes, don't bother with the blue florescent tube, if you really must have a night light for the tank, get these http://www.ebuyer.com/UK/product/51686 and a 12 volt transformer, for any help or info on these, go to the DIY section of the forum :good: .
With the tube in your tank you should be able to grow Hygrophila polysperma and java fern, but java fern should be planted on a rock/wood not in the sand :) .
Your ghost knife will outgrow that tank quickly, I couldnt imagine mine in there he wouldnt be able to turn round :blink:
well how big is you black knife now
mine is about 10 inches and sems fine. and they only grow to be about 18
well no tell i lie hes about 8 hes just came to the front of the tank and i managed to measure him
before he scaffled away through the sand. im thinking about getting another one and i might just
get that blue moonlight to make the tank look nice. im also getting this plant what looks like overgrown grass
and will be perfect for them 2.
O yeh just thought id say the wiskers on my pictus catfish are aproching 3.5" hahahaha.
as soon as i put pellets in or bloodworm he eats it up.
any more info would be useful on the black knife such as what more can they eat etc.

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