Search results

  1. leenkim

    Floating Plants

    I had some water sprite a while back and that had really long roots around 6 inches long or so, but it looked better from the top than it did when you looked in the front of the tank,
  2. leenkim


    Hi i had loads of problems with nannypetals myself he basically blackmailed me to leave positive feedback if i didnt he said he wouldnt give me a refund, even though i didnt recieve the plants. He also never leaves feedback, im suprised hes still allowed to sell on ebay the amount of people whos...
  3. leenkim

    Fountain Plants

    Hi i bought some of these fountain plants from my lfs thinking they were true aquatic plants and because they looked like grass i liked them, although after a while of being in my tank they have spread out but they seem to go a reddy colour and dont look as nice as they did, also having done a...
  4. leenkim

    Grrrrr Plants Off Ebay

    Hi there i recently had similar problems with a plant seller on ebay, i bought 6 bunches of plants and paid by postal order, i waited and waited sent emails to him but he never replied. Then he reckoned he would send them but they never arrived, so i sent a email to ebay to complain about him...
  5. leenkim

    Arcadia Starter

    Hi thanks for the replies, i did try it and it did work but i decided to buy a new bulb just incase it did damage the balast in the long run. But thanks anyway. btw george great looking tanks you have i wish i could aquascape like that :good:
  6. leenkim

    Arcadia Starter

    Hi i dont know where to post this but i thought someone here may know, i bought a arcadia light starter unit from ebay the seller said it was 18watt but it turns out it is for a 15 watt bulb, the problem is i already had a 18watt bulb spare, which is the reason i bought this starter, Does...
  7. leenkim

    Your Favorite Shoals

    I got 4 buenos aires tetras, they always swim in a shoal i also have neons and rosy tetras but the buenos aires tetras are the only ones who really stay together, theyre also amusing to watch as they will always stay together, although they do like to munch on my plants.
  8. leenkim

    Gravel Or Sand

    I used playsand from argos very cheap, just rinse it well first.
  9. leenkim


    Hi my fish recently had fungus/columnaris not sure which but i tried interpet anti fungus & finrot as i thought this would help, but it didnt so i added some aquarium tonic salt at about half dosage cos i have 3 corydoras and a khoolie loach it didnt hurt any fish and it cleared it up within a...
  10. leenkim

    Plant Cuttings

    So do i need to remove the leaves from the part of the stem that i plant in the sand?
  11. leenkim

    Plant Cuttings

    Hi there i just got some plants from ebay today, but they are all unrooted cuttings. I removed the lead and foam and separated the bunches and just pushed the bottom of the plants into the sand with the bottom leaves still attatched, to sort of anchor them down. Is this the correct way or...
  12. leenkim

    Sand Rather Than Gravel?!

    Hi i use play sand, it looks nice but i keep getting anearobic pockets in the same place and my sand isnt even an inch deep, when i first noticed it it was under a piece of mopani wood, so i removed the wood and totally replaced that bit of sand plus some extra, i thought it was because the wood...
  13. leenkim

    How Many Gallons?

    Hi there this website you can set the shape to hexagonal Hope it helps. y wont the link work its #### where the hashes are lol omg its tropical fish centre without the spaces
  14. leenkim

    Upgrade To Lighting In Rekord 70

    On my tank which i think is a rekord 96 the original ballast was inside a box fitted just behind the bulb, so i cut the box out with a stanley knife and bought 2 arcadia controllers and just fitted them to the top 1 where the original light was and 1 where the box was, and i just stand the...
  15. leenkim

    Female Ram Dying And White Spot

    Have you tested your water? If so what are the stats? And if the white spots are like grains of sugar on the fish then get some white spot treatment like Protozin.
  16. leenkim

    What Could Be Wrong

    Hi there, if their mouths are opening and closing faster than normal they are more than likely gasping for breath. Increase the airation and see if that helps.
  17. leenkim

    Siamese Fighter Fish

    I think it all depends on the fish i have kept male and female fighting fish together quite a few times with no problems, infact i always found the male builds bubblenests with females in the tank, Its just like some fighting fish can be kept in a comunity tank and some others kill the fish...
  18. leenkim

    Need To Find A Pure Sand?

    I used play sand from argos have had no problems at all with it, just make sure u rinse it well first and dont make the substrate too deep.
  19. leenkim

    Good Forground Cover For Small Pebble Substrate

    Hi what about java moss it looks a bit like grass
  20. 75_1.jpg


  21. leenkim

    How Much Light

    Hi ive been thinking about replacing my fake plants with real ones but im not sure on how much light i need my tank measurements are 31inches by 15inches by 12inches and i currently have 2 x 18watt bulbs in and i also have a spare bulb that i was planning to fit. So if my tank holds around...
  22. leenkim

    Please Help

    Well interpet no 8 fungus and finrot says it treats columnaris but the 7 day treatment is up on wednesday and they still dont look much better, they havent got worse just look the same. What would you recommend i treat them with? And if i put some carbon in on wednesday how long should i wait...
  23. leenkim

    Please Help

    Yeah some of the fish have been flicking against the plants and sand for a while now, even before there was any signs of disease on any of the fish. But the fish that ive seen flicking dont look or seem ill at all so i was wondering why they were doing it. They dont do it constantly just...
  24. leenkim

    Please Help

    No they cant have been overfed as i dont give them that much in fact it doesnt even last 5 mins in the tank, i think it is the medicine as iv also noticed that there is a thin white film covering the glass and plant roots, i just dont understand why it took 2 days to even affect the water and...
  25. leenkim

    Please Help

    I have 1 piece of bogwood but it has been in since i set the tank up at least 9 months, by cloudy i mean like a milky colour but since i changd the water the fish have stopped gasping although it is still a little cloudy, also if i changed 40% of water should i add a bit more medication because...
  26. leenkim

    how to repair a tank seam

    hi i resealed my tank in the ways mentioned above the only difference was i found that vinegar wasnt very good at removing the residue so i got some rubbing alcohol from ebay it removed every last trace and because it evaporates it leaves no residue behind on the glass.
  27. leenkim

    Please Help

    hi i this morning when i woke up i noticed my water was cloudy and the fish were gasping at the top i had also lost 1 fish because of it, but last night when i turned the lights off they were fine. I immediately changed about 40% of the water and tested the old water and the new water, the only...