Good Forground Cover For Small Pebble Substrate


Aug 12, 2006
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Richmond CA
I am thinking about taking my patch of hairfrass back to the LPS (local plant shop) today. It is very transportable becuase it is in a grate type of thing which is how I got it from them. I would like to just trade them for another type of ground cover which would be more suitable for my substrate (see pic)

Also if anyone contacts me soon I have some Java fern I will give away about 3 stems, it's not the best condition
:huh: Erm, that's not dwarf hair grass but Lilaeopsis brasiliensis.

Some suggestions are:
Four leaf clover
Pygmy chain sword
Riccia secured to slate
:huh: Erm, that's not dwarf hair grass but Lilaeopsis brasiliensis.

Some suggestions are:
Four leaf clover
Pygmy chain sword
Riccia secured to slate

It's not, so should that be growing well in my substrate? I thought it was hairgrass I'm kinda suprised George framer didn't tell me that in the other thread I made about this.

Oh and thinks for the ideas

As far as Java moss goes right behind that grond cover is a log COVERED in java moss and java fern, it's great but I don't think I need more
I also thought it was Lilaeopsis brasiliensis, but since George didn't say something, I thought I was wrong. It grows very slowly and requires hight light. The best thing to do if you want it to spread is to plant individual plants or clumps of a few scattered across the area you want covered.
I have to agree it doesn't look too much like hairgrass, although i've no idea what it could be. Hairgrass has rounded leaves, where as yours look flat
I have to agree, my gut instinct was Brazilian Micro Sword too.

Not sure about your tank conditions but what about some Sagi (Sagittaria Lileopterus/Sagittaria Natans) or Small Helsine (Micranthemum Micrathemoides) ? The Carpet Sagi (Lileopterus) is similar in looks to the Micro Sword (and I'm guessing won't be that great for spreading in gravel, but I couldn't say for sure) so you might want to have a look at the Dwarf Sagi (Natans) or the Helsine if your looking for something other than a grass. The Glosso as previously suggested would be nice too if you have the right conditions. :)

EDIT: Lol, Dwarf Sagi was suggested while I was writing my post, sorry for the repetition.
well after all that the LPS said they didn't want it back, so I opened up the grate it came in and I think I might have found the problem, the roots were getting all tangled up on each other but not growing throught the bottom of the grate. I took it out of the grate and planted it in the substrate directly in smaller patches, so we will see how this works out.

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