What Could Be Wrong


Fish Addict
Nov 21, 2005
Reaction score
Are they hungry?
Gaspin for breath?

I have 4 silver sharks
1 Golden Gouramis
6 Green Barbs
5 clown Loaches
1 Plec
Hi there, if their mouths are opening and closing faster than normal they are more than likely gasping for breath. Increase the airation and see if that helps.
id say gasping myself.

So what do I need to do?

Hi there, if their mouths are opening and closing faster than normal they are more than likely gasping for breath. Increase the airation and see if that helps.

I would have tought they would go to the surface. The filter is moving the water so I don't think its that.I'll do a water change see if that changes things
Lot of big fish there.
How many gallons or litres is the tank.
Water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
Sounds like bad water quality to me.
Lot of big fish there.
How many gallons or litres is the tank.
Water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
Sounds like bad water quality to me.

That was the first thing I checked and it was fine. The nozzle from the filter a little tube I have that breaks the water had been knocked of. I have since moved the nozzle so it breaks the water will need a new bit to attach it again. I did add more water as I always think new water will have more Oxygen in it. I also turned temperature down and lights off. Recomended in chat by CFC. Who I think my fish are saying a huge THANK YOU to.
Today I'll buy that piece and an airstone.

I have a 400 litre tank and they are not too big yet.

12+10+9+6=37= The 4 Bala's
4x7=28= loaches

=98cm in a 400 litre tank

Jewel Rio

I think this is fine. Please let me know if it is not.

At the moment 2.42 am they are a treat to watch. My favourite time. The loaches are extremely agile and the Plec is hovering out whereas during the day he hides in his tunnel. Too big for him I was worried I'd ever see him and I will now have to buy a bigger tunnel for Christmas. There was someone on here who sold nice ones. I'll have fun looking around.

Heartache is over for a bit I can relax again. Another would say don't panic but I can't help it.

So grateful for this forum.
do you know the tank water stats? it could be something to do with them rather than just the air.
do you know the tank water stats? it could be something to do with them rather than just the air.

As i said previously they are all okay. Well the colours match the good oneson the card.

They are fine. I could not stand this waterfall all day and night. I'll get a new rippler and a few nice airstones. I suspect the Plec or the Bala shaks knocked the end of the filter or it may have given way with pressure over time. A bit of plastic after all.

They almost recovered in half an hour well started moving, the loaches looked so bad under the filter and the light on it would have been warm at the surface. I've reduced the length of time as we now have the house lights on more to. The fish do not need it.
sorry I must have missed that bit. Are you using strips of the liquid tests? The strips arent that great. you could get an air curtain they look nice, well i think so. the lights shouldnt really be a problem. Keep an eye on them, and gasping can be a sign of other problems as well.
sorry I must have missed that bit. Are you using strips of the liquid tests? The strips arent that great. you could get an air curtain they look nice, well i think so. the lights shouldnt really be a problem. Keep an eye on them, and gasping can be a sign of other problems as well.

Not seen an air curtain wll certainly look out for that. Is is safe with my Plec? Hemoves everything that not heavier than him lol.

I wll be keeping an eye on them. I am however very relieved that they responded tothe drop in temp and the agitation of the water.

the strips were too expensive I have the liquid bottles powder and tabs.
Im not sure about the curtain and the plec. Glad they are looking better! What was the temp and what is it now? Just out of curiousity

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