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  1. M

    The Best Way To Get Rid Of Hair Algae

    My own experience is that Excel kills staghorn algae very efficiently but has very little effect on hair algae. I got rid off hair algae with on-the-spot H2O2 treatment. It seems to be very safe. I have a 30-galon tank, with some platy fries and ghost shrimp. A little amount of H2O2 doesn't seem...
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    J.fern Help!

    I see the same thing all the time (I have been into planted tank for 5 months). It usually happens to young leaves, which could have 50% of the leaves appear 'clear'. but it always grow to normal in couple days. I don't think it is short of nutrition, I fertilize my tank using 'Flourish' line on...
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    Fish Losing Appetite

    Since yesterday, I notice some other fish (one male platy, two bloodfin-tetra) are not taking food either. Other in the tank (~18) are active during the feeding as usual. The water chemistry look ok, I still changed 20% water anyway, still those 3 won't take food. Since I almost exclusively feed...
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    Fish Losing Appetite

    thanks for the information. since I only started this hobby about 5 months ago, how to do deworming? buying some commercial product I guess?
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    Please Help Identify This Plant And Algae

    thanks for the information. I do have a Nutrafin system in my tank but still.... Maybe I also miss other stuff
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    Fish Losing Appetite

    During the past month, 4 fish (2 zebrafish 2 guppy) died in my 30 gallon tank. I remember they showed almost NO appetite weeks before they died, so they all died a skinny death :angry: . What make fish lose appetite? What could I do to prevent this happening again? (The other ~15 fish mainly...
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    Please Help Identify This Plant And Algae

    Hi, Is this a beard algae or staghorn algae? (bigger picture could be seen here Also I got this plant from Petco several weeks ago, what is it? Petco staff didn't know.It has lots of side roots and grows quite fast in my tank. Many thanks in...
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    Question About Algae Discs

    thanks for the helpful info
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    Question About Algae Discs

    I would like to know the correct way of feeding Algae disc (or other sinking food) to bottom dwelers such as Algae eaters. Does the Algae disc need to be broken into pieces? How can I ensure that Algae eaters like Oto could find the food? The reason I am asking is that I just lost 1 Oto probably...
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    Help What Did I Do Wrong?

    in my short two month experience, it seems Zebra Danios is VERY hardy. all my 4 zebra survive my new tank cycle (I didn't know about fishless cycle at the very beginning so started with 4 zebra 2 guppy and three platies. out of those, two platies died within one week and one guppy died 2 months...
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    Aquarium Plants

    I am a 2-month old newbie and took plunge the past weekend and added an anacharis to my tank. I intended to use it to suppress algae. the folk in PET CLUB said this kind is very easy to maintain and grows fine. I hope so.
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    thanks, I went and got some Anacharis (belong to the Egeria species?) to start with. hopefully it will help to control brown algae growth.
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    I am in the similar situation like Christie: ~2months old tank, it has been cycled about 15 hours light everyday (strictly fluorescent light, my apartment has very poor natural lighting) noticed quite a few brown algae spot on decor tried algae destroyer once and will NEVER do that again (thank...
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    Just Spotted A Baby Platy!

    thanks for the advice I tried to catch the little guy after coming back from work, and it was no way to be found :( maybe it is hiding somewhere, but I have a very bad feeling :( I should be more careful next time
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    Just Spotted A Baby Platy!

    it is such a supprise and excitement to spot this little guy in our new tank. it is a little less then 1cm long. judged by black lines on its tail, it should be a red wagtail platy. I have read some helpful information from the pinned topic, but still I have one question: I understand it will...
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    Algae Problem

    regarding pjos's comment, I think it is typical of modern life: wish for quick fix and the temptation from readily available products. besides, I don't think I feed them excessively (all flaks were gone in less then 1 minute) and I keep relatively limited lighting (only after I get home and...
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    Algae Problem

    thanks Voo the tank was cycled for a little over a week before adding fishes. good thing is this morning everything look normal like you said, I read at the FAQ that brown algae is common but I am still looking for ways to limit them
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    Newbie On The Block

    should be danio :(, corrected
  19. M

    Algae Problem

    Hi, I set up a new 30-gal tank about one month ago (see below for the tanks set up). Some brown algae patches already start showing up :-( . After reading some reviews from, I purchased Algae Destroyer Advanced (by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals) and added about 2mL into tank tonight. One...
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    Newbie On The Block

    Hi, Per my 5-year old son's request, we set up a 30-gallon tank couple weeks ago. Now we have 4 zebrafish, 2 guppy, 1 platy (after 2 casulties :( ). Since this is new to me, I think this forum will be very helpful :look: See you around, Ming