Fish Losing Appetite


New Member
Nov 4, 2006
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During the past month, 4 fish (2 zebrafish 2 guppy) died in my 30 gallon tank. I remember they showed almost NO appetite weeks before they died, so they all died a skinny death :angry: . What make fish lose appetite? What could I do to prevent this happening again?
(The other ~15 fish mainly tetra are fine. The water chemistry has been monitored on a weekly basis and never showed any abnormality)
Danios, I don't know why, seem to be susceptible to this. It may be an internal parasite. Try deworming the fish. Also, try feeding peas as it could be constipiation. If the intestines collapse from not eating, the fish doesn't have a chance to recover.
thanks for the information.
since I only started this hobby about 5 months ago, how to do deworming? buying some commercial product I guess?
The meds available to you depend on what country you are in.
Since yesterday, I notice some other fish (one male platy, two bloodfin-tetra) are not taking food either. Other in the tank (~18) are active during the feeding as usual. The water chemistry look ok, I still changed 20% water anyway, still those 3 won't take food.
Since I almost exclusively feed them TetraMin flake, could that be the cause? i.e. they just get bored with one kind of food? I plan to buy some frozen brien shrimp tomorow. But still my question is: will different food help fish appetite?
Any opinion will be highly appreciated. I really don't want to loose any more swimming friends :angry:
live food like brine shrimp is good it gives them something to chase and the movement might trigger them into eatting, it worth a try......good luck
live food like brine shrimp is good it gives them something to chase and the movement might trigger them into eatting, it worth a try......good luck

Yes I here it is...I also had sick fish with similar problems....if they continue too hover at top top fin down and not eating, string like poo....then sounds like intestinal worm of some kind...Im also new to this hobby but Ive been studying day and night...web site and forum after website and forums.....If your fish continue to do all the above after feeding them shrimp...then best to take them out the tank...personally I culled mine after a while knowing they would die anyway until proper treatment was done. Firstly check all water chemistry...nitrite amonia and also temps if you have tropical set up. Apparently from what ive learned and experienced alot lately is that some times treatment causes worse problems with water stats stripping your tank of good bacteria..your best treating your fish in a medicine tank anout 1ft, no gravel, no plants and only a small ornament for small fish to hide, makes it a little less stressfull and a small pump filter with no charchol....i treated my tank and didnt know i was sposed to take it out...i did two days later and now everything is hunky dory....all good...happy more medicine water quality improved...sorry im raveing now so will sign off here...any further question just reply and i will help anyway way though is long hard research and fish are so hard to diagnose...specially small ones.


Heres a pic of my tank...this tank is only 4 weeks set up...brand newie.... Fishtank_Updated_pic_March_20_07.jpg

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