J.fern Help!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
My java fern leaves are going clear from the tips.
And it is spreading.

What causes this and how can i fix it?

It is tied down to a rock with some fish, algae, and CO2.

Thanks in advance!
I've always thought it means you need to add fertilizers. Probably iron?

No expert, but that has always worked for me when mine do that..

Glad to see another canuck! :good:
Probably iron. I've never herd of white, but when it turns yellow that is an indecation of not enough iron.
I find that new leaves of java fern do this until they are about 3cm then they colour in.

I get it sometimes too with really big new leaves, but adding a general fertiliser does solve that.

Even just doing a water change can solve it for me sometimes, because water changes in my tank are few and far between, the plants run out of 'nutrients' fast :rolleyes: .
My ferns were very green.
Now all of my ferns are going clear from the tips. And it is spreading very fast. (almost all the leaves in 4 ferns)

They are dwarf java ferns, and are at 3-4cm right now.

what do u mean by genenral fertilizer?
Can i buy this from store?

Like I just add any old fertiliser (as opposed to dosing something specific to solve the problem), I have no idea what the java fern is actually needing, but whatever deficiency the glassiness is a sign of, Tetra Plantamin provides it :). Nutrafin plant gro also seems to work .

I use my java ferns as an indication for when I need to add fertiliser and/or do a water change (I test for nitrates too though).
I wouldn't recommend this method though, It's a good way to get algae and my tank is full of the stuff. The only reason I'm doing it is because my current tank is only going to be up for another month or so, so I've kind of let it go.
Mine did it for a while, but it soon disappeared.


Yea that's exactly how my leaves look like.
But it's not the tip that's going clear.

At this rate, in 2 days, entire leaves will go clear. (it's has gone clear about half in 2 days)
I see the same thing all the time (I have been into planted tank for 5 months). It usually happens to young leaves, which could have 50% of the leaves appear 'clear'. but it always grow to normal in couple days. I don't think it is short of nutrition, I fertilize my tank using 'Flourish' line on routine basis

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