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  1. P

    Puffer Tank Needs Moved During Remodeling...

    What does brackish water have to do with my moving the tank? I started a brackish tank because I like puffers Thanks for your help
  2. P

    Puffer Tank Needs Moved During Remodeling...

    Hi, i've got two GSP in a 30g tank. All is good and well. However - I am re-doing my basement and just finished painting. The carpets need to go in and I'm going to have to move the tank. I've never had to do this before so I'm wondering how I should go about making the move, it will be to...
  3. P

    Fig 8 Won't Eat

    this can be removed as i did not notice an earlier topic discussing this. thanks all.
  4. P

    Fig 8 Won't Eat

    Hi, I've had a Figure 8 puffer for about 4 months now, 30 gal tank, water temp/salinity/nitrate levels all fine...but he wont eat, just a bite or two then he swims around like an idiot. Frozen bloodworms are what i primarily feed it, snails once every week/2 weeks and brine shimp live/frozen a...
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    Diy Tank Shading

    do you put it directly under the light?
  6. P

    New Fugu Puffer

    I actually brought one of these guys home one sunday.....and brought him back to the LFS that same day!! :huh: LFS said something along the lines of, "Oh yeah, he'll be fine with your other 2 GSP's, in a 78-82 degree 10 gallon tank," The LFS was zero help, as he was neurotic, nipping fins and...
  7. P

    New Tank For Puffers! When To Add Them?

    Great, thanks for the tips. I did end up using Bio Spiria--Put it in Friday, added the puffers last night. I put snails in Friday as well and the puffers LOVED IT. Exploring, hunting. hahah. Well all seems to be well, i'll keep posting as the tank progresses/regresses. Thanks again
  8. P

    New Tank For Puffers! When To Add Them?

    Hi. I set up my new tank for my puffers and it's been running for 2 and 1/2 days. When should I put them in? I was reading up on the fishless cycle, but I do not want to wait that long-they need to be in a bigger tank. Do you think Monday would be alright to put them in? Or is that not...
  9. P

    Anyone Build Their Own Filter?/filter Questions

    Hi, I'm to see if anyone built their own filter and if it was worth it. Also, if it was easy(generally speaking, I'm pretty handy). I'm building my stand tomorrow for 30g tank and am looking into filtration possibilities. Brackish tank, what do you guys suggest?
  10. P

    Your Thoughts On Buying A Used Tank

    ah, i hope mine comes with me some money cause my puffers will take care of them RIGHT away(with pleasure)!! :sly:
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    is it hard to clean? I have one of those gravel vaccum deals, but it would seem to me that would suck that sand right up
  12. P

    Your Thoughts On Buying A Used Tank

    yes! you've all be a great help, now i can go find a good deal/tank to get these puffers some space! thanks again :D
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    I'm sure this has been asked/answered before, but i'll ask anyay. What do GSP and F8 puffers or sand? Large rocks, or small rocks? Just want my setup to be what the fish prefer, ya know.
  14. P

    Your Thoughts On Buying A Used Tank

    Wow, great news. Thanks everyone. So just make sure theres no cracks, and everything else should clean up nice? What should i look out for, besides the obvious...or is this a pretty straight forward affair?
  15. P

    Eating Your Fish

    :X :sick: :no: EW
  16. P

    Your Thoughts On Buying A Used Tank

    Hi, I need a bigger tank for my puffers, a local fish shop has a small room of used tanks, equipment, etc. A lot of it looks like hell, but who knows...maybe they're just dirty?? I cant really afford to buy a new 50 gal tank right now, or in the next few months as my college loans start...
  17. P

    Lfs Gave Me Aquarium Salt Not Ocean...

    Hi, I just realized that the LFS gave me aquarium salt...not ocean salt for my 3 this a really big deal? They've been in the tank for about 5 days, will they be alright one more day until I can get ocean salt tomorrow after work? Or is there no problem and this salt will do...
  18. P

    Starting A Salt Water Tank

    wow, loan eh? maybe i'll just relax and enjoy my two puffers.......tomato and mozzerella!
  19. P

    Starting A Salt Water Tank

    yes, i just began a 10 gallon freshwater tropical tank a few days ago
  20. P

    Starting A Salt Water Tank

    30 gal tank, clownfish, maybe some live rock. and anemones...
  21. P

    Starting A Salt Water Tank

    Hi, i'm wondering how difficult it is to get a salt water tank going. I read the article on the main page and it seems pretty extensive...I'm pretty handy. In a LFS i noticed a pvc piping system running through each salt water tank shooting out water...anyway, does anyone out there have any...
  22. P

    Puffer Questions!

    ah, well thank you everyone for your help! i guess i'll have to be getting a bigger tank in a few months...
  23. P

    Puffer Questions!

    Sorry, heres a picture of them, as i'm not excatly sure exactly what species they are... :blush: they were in the same tank in the fish store...and seem to be buddies...
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    Puffer Questions!

    thanks for the quick response...i took him back to the shop right away ... :( any other fish i can put in with they two guys? 10 gallon .....
  25. P

    Puffer Questions!

    Hi, I just purhased a new tank and put two cute little spotted puffers in it. They're doing fine. Then I went to another fish shop and found an orange saddle puffer and asked if they would be okay in the same tank- he said they would. The saddle is significantly bigger then the other two...