Your Thoughts On Buying A Used Tank


New Member
Sep 17, 2006
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Hi, I need a bigger tank for my puffers, a local fish shop has a small room of used tanks, equipment, etc. A lot of it looks like hell, but who knows...maybe they're just dirty?? I cant really afford to buy a new 50 gal tank right now, or in the next few months as my college loans start kicking in next month. AND i got scammed trying to sell my 2000 laptop, but that was my own fault(and another story, lol) ANYWAY....The puffers need more space...what are your thoughts on used? Assuming I get a tank, I would do a fishless cycle, and move them in next month.....but before i do anything---what are my cleanup options if i go used...? Or should i never ever buy used...? I need some direction and know this is the best place to ask...thanks for your help!
Most of my smaller tanks are ex fish store display tanks, theres certainly nothing wrong with used tanks.

Clean them up with a bit of vinegar and lots of clean water.
All of my running tanks are used, and no real problems aside from my own little mistakes.
I'm actually looking to get a used 50+ tank in the future. Not sure if that's near or far future right now, but like CFC said, nothing wrong with used tanks so long as they function right.
Good luck.
All of my tanks were used, the last 2 I bought were in use until I got them and it was great becuase since they were fully cycled already and I could see the fish were all really healthy I just took them home cleaned up the alge a bit added water then fish, in fact I am selling one of them right now and I have kept the media in my bigger tank so I can offer the same advantage to someone else.
Hi pavetheforest :)

Perhaps I've just been lucky, but many of my tanks were bought used, and I've never had a problem with them. Some of the used tanks I have came from yard sales and I got others when a lfs was reducing the number of tanks in it's store and putting up another aisle of shelving instead.

If they are unsightly because there is white crusty looking water marks on them, this can be removed with just white vinegar to start dissolving it and a plastic scrubber pad to break the mineral deposits up. It might take a little work, but it will come off and the tank will look almost as good as new. :D
Wow, great news. Thanks everyone. So just make sure theres no cracks, and everything else should clean up nice? What should i look out for, besides the obvious...or is this a pretty straight forward affair?
You should look at the silicone, too, just to make sure it's all in tact, and won't cause any problems.
so does everyone sterilise their tanks with vinegar? A lot of people have told me to use bleach. Which is better?
so does everyone sterilise their tanks with vinegar? A lot of people have told me to use bleach. Which is better?


the residue could kill your fish and it is VERY hard to get all of it out

I actually have never had to use more then water and a alge scruber pad to clean up my tanks so vinger should be a 2nd step
you may want to fill the tank outside and let it sit for a few days (on the stand) to make sure there are no leaks... you can put a piece of newspaper under it to help check for leaks.
so does everyone sterilise their tanks with vinegar? A lot of people have told me to use bleach. Which is better?

Hi sammc :)

The vinegar isn't intended to sterilize the tanks, but rather to remove dried up mineral deposits caused by hard water. Be sure to rinse the tank well after using it.

It's not usually necessary to sterilize used tanks. A good scrub with table salt and warm water should be enough to clean them. :D
I've heard different opinions on is my understanding that dechlorinator in a heavy heavy dose followed by a thourough rinsing in clean water will remove latent bleach.
thanks for the info guys! I have never actually used bleach on my tanks, personally. I generally just give them a good scrub with hot water but i figured there was no harm in asking :D

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