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  1. V

    Shipping Africans

    Ok so i am "thinking" shipping some africans to a couple people who will buy them. I have researched on how to ship them but it doesnt seem clear or cheap. Being that its summer here and temperatures easily getting into the high 80s and low 90s I dont know how to keep the temperature down??? Nor...
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    Maybe A Dumb Q...

    It can and DONT DO IT. Call me a tree hugger but when you start breeding different cichlids you get hybrids and no body knows what it is ect.... While this is no fact but i am sure somewhere it harms the fish in some shape or form for example tea cup dogs you know the little little dogs well...
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    What Am I Doing Wrong

    Okay Demasoni whats the deal? Any time i buy them no matter from where they leave maybe 12 days??? I just had one that lived for a almost 2 weeks but he kicked the bucket. This time i bought only 4 rather than 6 or 8. I put them together in a tank all by themselves a 55 gallon it was and it was...
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    Question About Jewel Cichlids

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Jewels :lol: man i have had some expierence with them and the tiger bards will be fine cause they are semi-agressive and quick but you may find some missing cause as soon as the jewels mate and have fry they turn red. RED meaning...
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    Shaking Cichlids

    Firstly I like to refer this shaking to dancing. But any way if they do it in front of a males its aggression and always the males will start lip locking and swimmimg in circles with one another and then nipping etc. If its dancing infront of a female usually none of the behaviors happen as...
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    If These Are Maylandia Estherae...what Is This?

    That yellow guy is a yellow lab. Recently as of 2 weeks ago Petsmart here in fayetteville Georgia claims that they are a new Zebra and they sell them as YELLOW ZEBRAS????? :no: They are yellow labs they dont have any features of a zebra so go figure thats petsmart for you!
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    Cobalt Blue Question

    Ok here the glue one female is my guess cause she isnt showing any aggression. ok in my experience i have had zebra's and full grown at that but i havent seen any like this before until i found out about there are two different red zebras Metriaclima estherae ( Blue ) and the other is...
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    Cobalt Blue Question

    i got some pics tonight and i'll post them later this week cause i take back what i said. so know i back at not knowing what it is
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    Fish Id Please

    i was panning through some cichlid sites and i for fact found out what the red finned guys are you wont believe the dead give away name red-finned-borleyi now the other may be a male of red-finned-borleyi cause the way they describe the males is what matches mine but not certain it does...
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    Cichlid Is Changing Colour!?

    Its a male getting his color. for example Chipokaes are all yellow to begin with then the males turn blue while females stay yellow the same goes for saulosi now Msobo the males are orange for a long time till they start turning their mating colors i have had 2 for almost 6 months and they are...
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    Fish Id Please

    When i bought these fish 4 months ago i was told they were 2 red empress but i knew they weren't but i bought cause i liked them but what are they??? Also when they get bigger will they have any different color is sow explain if you dont mind :D...
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    I Did It!

    holding :good: take care of your babies :nod:
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    Cobalt Blue Question

    no she not holding i wish that was the case but i am pretty sure that it looks different cause its bigger than ones i have and beside i research it and that seems to be the deal :)
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    Cobalt Blue Question

    ok so i am new to the little guys and i have 3 right now but purchase another that was about an inch bigger making it the biggest of the four but there is something different about this one its mouth seems lower than the other smaller 3 that i have. Do the their mouths lower as they get bigger...
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    Fish I.d Please

    Male Kenyi :nod:
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    My Tank/fish Pics

    keep them happy and healthy and keep up the great work :nod:
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    Minimum Tank Size?

    I currently have 2 demasoni in a 10G and 3 saulosi in a different 10G they do fine they have been in there for a bout a month and these guys are fully grown. I have but rainbow sharks in with my cichlids thats been the only thing to survive them although their are some other algae eating fish...
  18. V

    Fish Id Please

    Female Maylandia Estherae
  19. V

    Stuff To Add To Ro Water To Make It Right For Malawi's

    Ahhhh i always put AquaSafe and aquarium salt both found at petsmart :nod:
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    Are Sciaenochromis Fryeri Iceberg Meant To Look Like This?

    Mine just had some babies about a month ago and she is holding as of right now and my assumption would be that they will look like mom shortly :)
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    Battered Fish

    Aquarium salt, stress coat and time :nod:
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    Breeding The Little Guys

    thanks for the advice soooo when you say 40 breeder tank you mean 40 gallons for the bigger guys right??? and then dividing the ten gallon for each tank like a saulosi tank and then another tank divided for demasoni. I believe you dont mean dividing the ten gallon with saulosi on one side then...
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    Breeding The Little Guys

    So i have many tanks like 125 and 2 55gallon tanks etc and a lot of my little africans breed like crazy well i have a lot of their young that have grown up i mean heck i have 23 different african cichlids in my room :D so basically i could have a species tank of each and every one of them but...
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    Its all of a matter if you want the responsibility of the little guys they need to be fed more than once a day they say and also you have to decide what you want to do with them? Sell them???? Fine but you have to find a pet shop that will take your fish and most stores to store credit soooo you...
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    Quick Question

    i agree with ferris :D peacocks sometimes ( all the times in my experience ) dont do well with other african cichlids. But a 25% water change and moving stuff around in different locations from which they were at helps a lot too and also adding few fish rather than one helps a bunch too so if...
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    Baby Cichlids

    lets put it this way if you want them take them out if you dont let them stay and get eaten! Trust me they wont survive welllllll i take that back how many other cichlids are there? The mother and father will protect them for a while then let them go on their way. I have some small snow whites...
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    Cichlid Unknown

    As far as sexing that fish..... i usually get three of a unknown fish if available but if not do you have any take mates with him??? if sooo if its a male he will dance in front of a females or males why dance in front of a male you ask??? Well i think they do it to antaganise the other one. The...
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    Cichlid Unknown

    These yellow spots are called egg dots (spots ) which ever you want to call it. During mating the male will dance in front of the female showing his egg dots. The female that is holding ( has eggs in her mouth ) will think to herself :huh: " hey my eggs, i must have dropped some i better get...
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    Cichlid Unknown

    ok ok my little guy looked a lot like yours when i first got him they look similar not the same. For some reason my camera didnt take the true color of this guy but any way his fins are more yellow verse you redish fins and has the same color body as yours does who knows if they are the...
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    Cichlid Unknown

    You know it does look like what was stated above or in that family the only reason i say that it is a hybrid is cause i cant find it at all i have looked and looked :sad:
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    Cichlid Unknown

    HEYYYY i have a cichlid like that and its a zebra but mine is a hybrid and yours maybe also :( I dont like hybrids to be honest cause you dont know what they are therefore its hard to find a mate
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    Please Identify These Fish

    Agreed RED ZEBRA it is! strange though the top should be a female and the bottom should be a male :/ but at the same time the bottom doesnt look like its it top condition??? give it time and he will look better im sure
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    Kenyi Question

    ahhhh kenyi's great arent they? well to set you straight the males are yellow and the females are blue. I havent know a male to protect the babies for i always see that the female is holding and i take her out. You ma know this but holding females have many signs of hold. 1 they have a bump in...
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    Johannii/maingano/melanochromis Interruptus

    ok heres the scoop, i went and bought all the johannii that all the pets stores had in my area but all three sets are totally different :/ here they are and i will list what i believe what i think it is not know thats why i am asking you guys :D Maingano johannii interruptus ok heres...
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    Unknown Cichlids Help

    ok so i was at petsmart today and i found that the yellow guy i have looks like one petsmarts new fish. They call them Yellow Zebras, ok i have never heard of them but either way they look almost alike someone said it looked like a yellow lab i agree. These Yellow Zebras at petsmart look like...
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    Unknown Cichlids Help

    Well i know its not a saulosi its more like a zebra i also thought that the yellow guy was a Metriaclima Estherae as well but its not its tooo skinny it looks more like yellow labs??? To me the black and blue guy sems to be in the family of Cynotilapia afra. Thanks for your input though.
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    Unknown Cichlids Help

    I need help identifing these two fish any ideas? Heres the other guy. All i know is that these guys are males but i am 50/50 sure on that yellow guy it may be a female???