Cobalt Blue Question


New Member
Aug 6, 2006
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ok so i am new to the little guys and i have 3 right now but purchase another that was about an inch bigger making it the biggest of the four but there is something different about this one its mouth seems lower than the other smaller 3 that i have. Do the their mouths lower as they get bigger? if you are confused i will put some pics up of the little guys and bigger guy/girl
Are you sure its not a holding female? That's exactly what it sounds like.
no she not holding i wish that was the case but i am pretty sure that it looks different cause its bigger than ones i have and beside i research it and that seems to be the deal :)
i got some pics tonight and i'll post them later this week cause i take back what i said. so know i back at not knowing what it is
Ok here the glue one female is my guess cause she isnt showing any aggression.



ok in my experience i have had zebra's and full grown at that but i havent seen any like this before until i found out about there are two different red zebras Metriaclima estherae ( Blue ) and the other is Metriaclima estherae ( Red ) . I have found that in the ( blue ) the female is very orange and the males color is very faint almost albino. In the ( red ) the males is very bold orange orange while the female is just orange another thing i noticed about the two different species that i have is that the ( red ) has a lot more egg dots than the ( blue ) again ALOT more.

Any way i have another guy that has the same thing a lower mouth basically its closer to their stomach than their spine like all the rest of my mbuna's. Here the i guess what you'd call orange blotch :huh:


the cobalt blue whitch i see pictured is Maylandia callainos also previously known as Pseudotropheus zebra , so if i'm understanding you correctly yes the cobalt blue and the blue phase zebra are the same fish.

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