Question About Jewel Cichlids


New Member
Aug 12, 2005
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New Jersey
I have two Jewel Cichlids and I would like to add a couple of Tiger barbs to my tank. Are these fish compatible or are the jewels too aggressive?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Jewels :lol: man i have had some expierence with them and the tiger bards will be fine cause they are semi-agressive and quick but you may find some missing cause as soon as the jewels mate and have fry they turn red. RED meaning rage and killing :nod: they wiped out 7 of my other Mbuna cichlids some time ago and the others were bigger than the jewels i swear they will go at any one who comes near and will chase them around the tank a couple times. But really i have some jewels and i dont like them to be honest cause all they do is lay around and are always a dull color but thats my thoughts on them. :nod:

Good luck
man my red jewl is freaking awsome he is always colorful and doesn't mess with any other fish. He is a pig though but he was one of those lets see what happens with him fish and i'm glad we got him. Now i have seen some blue jewls that look blah but they were in a fish store.

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