Unknown Cichlids Help


New Member
Aug 6, 2006
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I need help identifing these two fish any ideas?






Heres the other guy.







All i know is that these guys are males but i am 50/50 sure on that yellow guy it may be a female???
Orange/Yellow fish is a Metriaclima Estherae (probably female)
Blue/Black one is a Pseudotropheus Saulosi (male)
Orange/Yellow fish is a Metriaclima Estherae (probably female)
Blue/Black one is a Pseudotropheus Saulosi (male)

Well i know its not a saulosi its more like a zebra i also thought that the yellow guy was a Metriaclima Estherae as well but its not its tooo skinny it looks more like yellow labs??? To me the black and blue guy sems to be in the family of Cynotilapia afra. Thanks for your input though.
Hi im no expert but the top one looks like a yellow lab / red zebra x the other looks like a Cynotilapia afra not sure which one .
It's definately not Cynotilapia Afra, its either a Saulosi or sp.Zebra.
ok so i was at petsmart today and i found that the yellow guy i have looks like one petsmarts new fish. They call them Yellow Zebras, ok i have never heard of them but either way they look almost alike someone said it looked like a yellow lab i agree. These Yellow Zebras at petsmart look like yellow labs but without any black on the pelvic and dorsal fins.

Ok so what doesnt make that mystery fish a cynotilapia afra? It does look like its in the zebra family so i agree. Say you guys arent bad at identifing these little guys i should give all of a little challenge! But anyway with the black and blue guy he also has a thin line of yellow on the tips of his dorsal,pelvic,anal and tail fin. thanks for all of yall help :D
The yellow one is most likely a lab/zebra mix, petsmart often sells them as yellow zebras, its unfortunate that they are promoting hybrids like that. If you like the yellow color, I'd get some yellow labs instead.

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