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  1. R

    Red Spot?

    Some of my tiger barbs that have gotten this "red spot" have died a few days after having it. Its about where its stomach is and is about 5mm by 6mm. Would this be food poisioning or something else? Its pretty close to their gills. Man i have had no clue whatsoever with tiger barbs, they always...
  2. R

    All My Fishy's Are Gone

    Cool thanks! I own a PSP also, they kick butt!
  3. R

    All My Fishy's Are Gone

    Well, my last tiger barb past on this morning, kinda sad but im going to recyle my tank and try guppies. My parents have TONS of guppies and im going to move about 10 of them into my 10 gallon tank. First im going to recyle my tank and get everything clean. I want to see how i can do at...
  4. R

    Guppies Near Bottom?

    everything in the tank is good, i took a sample to the store and they said its good water. no diseases or anything.
  5. R

    Guppies Near Bottom?

    Hey, my parents have a tank of a huge lot of guppies, about 20-30. the 2 main ones had babies in march and they were always swimming at the middle to top. Now ALL the fish like hover under the plants and hide in corners. Is there anything wrong with them? And on a second note, Is it possible to...
  6. R

    Fighting Tigers

    There is nothing wrong with that, they are probably fighting for who's the head of the school of barbs. Mine do it all the time but have calmed down now.
  7. R

    Sad Day:(

    dang, well i would rather have another fish in there but, i guess not. Anywho, i should have reworded that, he said nitrate and nitrite levels were fine, and he said that ammonia was very good. i use this waste control stuff once every week to help control that. So how many gallons should i take...
  8. R

    Sad Day:(

    Sorry again for double post, but i took a sampole of ym water to the pet store to get tested since those kits cost WAY to much. Anyways i dont now the numbers, guy didnt tell me but he said my ammonia,nitrite,and nitrate levels are where they should be for a 10 gallon tank. He said if i wanted...
  9. R

    Sad Day:(

    I went to the pet store and damn those kits are expensive! there $10 a pop for one of each. Which ones do i need? I saw PH nitrate and ammonia. And i know its over stocked, i am looking at a 20 gallon long tank for it. The fish arent dieing anymore, they are all healthy now and swimming quite...
  10. R

    Sad Day:(

    I want to get a pleco but people say my tank is over stocked as it is. I just put some stuff called cycle and waste control in it. 2 of the fishes just recently had faded stripes(black ones) And they were chasing this really fat one. Dunno if they are trying to breed or a fight for dominance in...
  11. R

    How Much Algae?

    well i got my barbs about 3 weeks ago and i havent cleaned the tank yet. I have replaced 1 gallon of the water with freshly prepared water(I know how to leave it out for a few days with the dechloriater thing in it at least).
  12. R

    Sad Day:(

    How much will this water test thing set me back? And my tiger barbs are green tiger barbs, i have already found that out. They all seem to be getting along nicely, tank has algae on it, but im really short on cash and have to keep this 10 gallon tank until november then i will get my 20 gallon.
  13. R

    How Much Algae?

    How much algae is needed for a pleco to survive. My Algae build up in my 10 gallon has gotten pretty bad on the rocks and starting on the side and the filter nozzel. Is there a certain amount needed for a pleco to survive? Also would my school of 6 tiger barbs not bother him?
  14. R

    Barb Breeding

    Hey, I was wondering if Tiger Barbs breed and do they lay eggs? I was wondering if it was possible if i could get my fish to "reproduce" so i can get my parents to let me get a bigger tank for them. Also how do you tell if tiger barbs are male/females?
  15. R

    Sad Day:(

    sry for double post, but i got 2 more tiger barbs today to make my school a school of 6. Luckily the all get along REALLY great. As soon as i took them out of the bag, the other 4 swam over to make the new 2 part of the group. The have been swimming together now. The old 4 of my tank seem...
  16. R

    Sad Day:(

    O ok thank for the tips! I looked at pics of green tiger barbs, thats what mine are! Im still kinda sad that i failed that poor fish :-( . He wouldnt eat this morning, so i have no clue what was wrong with him. How many tiger barbs should i get tommorow, 2 or 3? Its half price on fish tommorow...
  17. R

    Sad Day:(

    I knew something was wrong with one of my tiger barbs this morning when he didnt come up to feed. The smallest of my 5 tiger barbs died today:( :byebye: I have some algae build up on the rocks and back of the tank, would this cause his death. Im going to get 2 new tiger barbs to join the rest...
  18. R

    Tiger Barb Compatiblity

    Those guppies have been in that tank 2+ years now and surving just fine. I just wanted to know if i could get other fish IF i got a bigger tank. My barbs have all grown half an inch and i have only had them for like 3 weeks! Must have starved at the pet store but they are soo fun and relaxing...
  19. R

    Tiger Barb Compatiblity

    fine, how about guppies? my parents have a 5.5 gallon with 2 full grown guppies, about 18 mid sized ones and 2 VERY tiny babies. I dont know if guppies would survive with my barbs, they always chase eachother around the tank.
  20. R

    Green Stuff

    Well as i was feeding my 5 tiger barbs today, i saw something green at the back of my tank. I looked closer and it was this green like algae substance on the rocks. only on a few at the very back and at the very front. Would this be a fungus algae or maybe just from food that has dekayed away?
  21. R

    Tiger Barb Compatiblity

    Hey, what fish are compatible with my tiger barbs? I would like danios or something like that.
  22. R

    10g And Betta Pics

    They dont "nip" fins, they chase eachother around though. As for my betta bowl, he loves that bowl. He doesnt actually do much swimming, he usually lies on the plant or blue rocks. I have had him alive for 2 and a half years in that bowl, he loves it :).
  23. R

    10g And Betta Pics

    i have no clue honestly, he LOVES it though, espcially those blue stones he always lies on them.
  24. R

    10g And Betta Pics

    heres my 10 gallon set up with 5 tiger barbs and my betta whom is now 2 and a half years old:).
  25. R

    Got Some Tiger Barbs...

    ic, so if was to get anymore fish i would get tiger barbs again. They all seem VERY happy today, i got up to my surprise of them swimming around and weaving through the plants and racing down the front of the tank LOL. Anyways, i fed them and they went mental, i think they were just adjusting to...
  26. R

    Got Some Tiger Barbs...

    Overstocked?!?!?! They have WAYYYY too much room in there, you can barely seem them in the pic :P. Anyways they must have been just adjusting to the new area, because they are all swimming around happily now:). I might get a few cherry barbs in a week or two if these guys do good.
  27. R

    Got Some Tiger Barbs...

    i was thinking of getting some danios. They have been in this tank for about 2 and a half hours. I dont know what you mean by water stats but i put a capful of decholizer stuff and the temp is 76.
  28. R

    Got Some Tiger Barbs...

    Hey, i just got 5 tiger barbs for my 10gallon fish tank. They look cool and all but they dont move too much. They are all hiding together at the bottom either in a corner or behind the plants. Is this normal behavior for new fish? Heres a pic to show what i mean, they are on the bottom right by...
  29. R

    Good Starter Fish

    Im getting a 10 gallon tank, i cant aford a 20. I found some unique looking fish. they were called 24 karat mollys, they were a goldish yellow and were about an inch or so in length. Are they good fish?
  30. R

    Wanting To Get Some Fish...

    its ok, i posted this in the wrong section and relazied a bit ago. I reposted it and have got lots of good replys.
  31. R

    Good Starter Fish

    uhmm im going to go back and check the price for a 20 gallon set up, would that be enough for danios?
  32. R

    Good Starter Fish

    lol im not dumb, the betta stays in its little bowl. So how do i do this, i know i have to set the tank up and let the water for it sit for a day or two(with decholrizer of course). Would some tetras work with the danios?
  33. R

    Good Starter Fish

    I saw the danios at the pet store and they seemed over joyed and active. How many of them should i get for a 10 gallon tank?
  34. R

    Good Starter Fish

    Well, i currently have 1 betta, 2 and a half years old and gunning strong . No im not going to ask what he will go with, but i want to know what a good breed of fish would be for a newbie to uhmm fish keeping would be. I dont want goldfish, they are tooo common and boring. Im looking at getting...
  35. R

    Wanting To Get Some Fish...

    Well, i currently have 1 betta, 2 and a half years old and gunning strong :). No im not going to ask what he will go with, but i want to know what a good breed of fish would be for a newbie to uhmm fish keeping would be. I dont want goldfish, they are tooo common and boring. Im looking at...