Fighting Tigers


New Member
Aug 15, 2006
Reaction score
South coast of England
Hi, I have 8 tiger barbs and a RTBS , the tigers are constantly fighting amongst themselves and I was wondering how far they go. I understand that they are just sorting out their pecking order but I have 2 of a very similar size who seem to be fighting 24/7 , Will One kill the other? should i remove one from the tank?

I love these little guys and would hate to come back from work and see that one had payed the ultimate price for my ignorance.

thank in advance.
There is nothing wrong with that, they are probably fighting for who's the head of the school of barbs. Mine do it all the time but have calmed down now.
we've had tbs for nearly 4 years & the fighting you see is normal tb behaviour. they will fight so sort out the king for the day/week/month it settles for a little while & then will start up again.
we introduced a new teeny green tb in february to our older established pack of 5 & the teeny one turned out to be a real terror to the point where all the other tbs started hiding all day you couldnt see them anywhere. this went on for about 3 weeks until one day i spotted a stripey tb having a nose to nose with mean green. mean green appeared to lose the fight & since then is definately not king any more. & all our tbs are out & about all day as they were before.
i have never seen an injured tb from these dominance fights but i would just make sure that it doesnt seem to be one individual who is being picked on all the time ( may happen with a sick tb) its also important to have enough hiding spots (plants, ornaments etc ) so that the tbs can get away from the one being a pain.
im sure they'll be fine & you will find that mr bully will not be king forever & the tides will turn as they happened to our mean green!!!
theyre great little fish arent they. i love watching the nose to nose 'jousts' as we call them :D
Cheer's for your advice, they are really great fish to watch I've got 8 at the moment and am considering getting a few more, maybe round it up to 12.

The Jousting stopped last night and now one is so chuffed with himself if he was a chav he would be strutting! ya gotta love the little guys. :good:

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