How Much Algae?


New Member
Jul 19, 2006
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How much algae is needed for a pleco to survive. My Algae build up in my 10 gallon has gotten pretty bad on the rocks and starting on the side and the filter nozzel. Is there a certain amount needed for a pleco to survive? Also would my school of 6 tiger barbs not bother him?
A 10 isn't relly big enough for a plec, they are messy fish. You might get by with a bristlenose if you overfilter & do large weekly water changes. Any plec with 6 barbs in a 10 gallon is overstocked.

What you could do, if you have another, larger tank, is keep the small plec in the 10 for a week, then put it back in the larger tank. I had a 2" bristlenose clean up a 10 gallon in 3 days, I had algae on the glass, ornaments, you name it.

If you provide some sort of cave for the plec, the barbs shouldn't bother it. Plecs are mostly nocturnal.
a 10g is not enough space for 6 tiger barbs, much less a pleco.

how often do you clean the tank? you're probably having algae problems due to excess waste.
well i got my barbs about 3 weeks ago and i havent cleaned the tank yet. I have replaced 1 gallon of the water with freshly prepared water(I know how to leave it out for a few days with the dechloriater thing in it at least).
I think it is recommended that you change between 10% and 25% of your water, weekly. Also, you don't need to leave it out for a few days, just make sure you add dechlorinator and that it is the right temperature.

You might want to do more frequent water changes though, because plecs make alot of mess. :)

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