Good Starter Fish


New Member
Jul 19, 2006
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Well, i currently have 1 betta, 2 and a half years old and gunning strong . No im not going to ask what he will go with, but i want to know what a good breed of fish would be for a newbie to uhmm fish keeping would be. I dont want goldfish, they are tooo common and boring. Im looking at getting a 10 gallon tank for them. Anyone with suggestions? My parents already have guppies too. I want my own to look after'

PS: yes i know i posted this in the introductions. Till later i read thats not the place for this question.
Danios is a good option perhaps Swordtails or Mollies alot of livebearers are quite hardy but a nice school of danios would be good
How about a school of Platys and some Amano Shrimp? Eh? Amano Shrimp are Really Good at cleaning the tank so if you have a lot they will keep it pretty clean :D (Eat algae and uneaten food) You can also keep a lot in a small space so thats cool :D
I saw the danios at the pet store and they seemed over joyed and active. How many of them should i get for a 10 gallon tank?
(4-6 Danios) perhaps 10 gallon tank isn't a great tank for any large try and avoid any large cichlids
(4-6 Danios) perhaps 10 gallon tank isn't a great tank for any large try and avoid any large cichlids

I would say got for 6 zebra danios and maby 4 tiger barbs(very cool looking and fairly hardy). Get 3-4 fish a week though when you start so the bio load will be able to adjust. Get 3 danios, then maby 4 tiger barbs, and then get 3 more danios.
I heard Tiger Barbs can be a little troublesome....the majority of livebearers seem a good choice..Platies and Mollies and Swords. Danios are probably the best choice get like Mako said 3 danios then perhaps 2 of another hardy fish then another 3 danios if all is going well in the tank after a few weeks..
NO tiger barbs with a betta. Very nippy fish and is to active for a 10 gallon. Tetras, danios, cories would all be good choices. Just be aware that many of these species breed very quickly.
lol im not dumb, the betta stays in its little bowl. So how do i do this, i know i have to set the tank up and let the water for it sit for a day or two(with decholrizer of course). Would some tetras work with the danios?
I would not recommend either danios or tiger barbs or swordtails for a 10 gallon and I'm surprised others do. These are really active fish who need lots of swimming space and can get aggressive if their needs are not met. The danios and barbs also need to be in schools of at least 6-8 individuals, which a 10 gallon is too small for.
In a 10 gallon you would be better off with less manic fish. How about checking out the following:

endlers, cherry barbs, platies, small corydoras species, honey gouramis, glowlight tetras, khuulie loaches

There is no risk of corys or tetras breeding out of control, bobwumba; egglayers aren't like that
uhmm im going to go back and check the price for a 20 gallon set up, would that be enough for danios?
Im getting a 10 gallon tank, i cant aford a 20. I found some unique looking fish. they were called 24 karat mollys, they were a goldish yellow and were about an inch or so in length. Are they good fish?
I heard Tiger Barbs can be a little troublesome....the majority of livebearers seem a good choice..Platies and Mollies and Swords. Danios are probably the best choice get like Mako said 3 danios then perhaps 2 of another hardy fish then another 3 danios if all is going well in the tank after a few weeks..

I had 5 or 6 tiger barbs a few years ago in a 29 gallon and they were vicious with each other, most ended up with only one eyeball after all their fighting. They lived for years though. I eventually had to give them away because I wanted a more peaceful tank set up.

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