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    An Old Friend Died Today, And It Feels Pretty Awful

    thanks guys,  makes me feel better,  sadly our cat died a couple of days ago too,  so its been a tough few weeks :(
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    Please Help - Opaline Gourami

    riteo,  I'll do that,   I thought about the time scale of her illness,  and it started at least a month before the inclusion of the 4 additional gourami.  But there was a time she got stuck behind the filter,  could that have damaged her ?
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    Please Help - Opaline Gourami

    thanks for the advice,  I must admit I've never actually seen any signs of fighting,  but the marks on her does seem to suggest it.
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    Please Help - Opaline Gourami

    Hi Guys,   I was advised to post this in here,  hopefully someone can help,   thanks   Ben       Tank size:     12 gallons pH:                7.2 ammonia:      0 nitrite:            0 nitrate:          ...
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    Please Help - Opaline Gourami

    I struggled to take a decent picture as he happily swims around,     he has what appear to be sores, all over the tail/end part of his body,  and what appear to be a few examples of white spot.   But I have treated for white spot and fungus and neither has helped.   Considering how "scruffy" he...
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    An Old Friend Died Today, And It Feels Pretty Awful

    had a Pleco for roughly 14 years and came home today to see that he/she had died during the day. Its wierd but has anyone else had a fish die that they actually really cared about ?  I dont know if its normal to feel like this, but I am really really upset by it.   I dont even know what type or...
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    Noob Needs Help With Test Kit

    well I did an amonia test, and its between 0 - 0.25, so I'll keep doing water changes till its at 0, and see if I have anymore deaths, thanks everyone !
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    Noob Needs Help With Test Kit

    well I've been doing small water changea each day and no further deaths, infact quite the opposite, one of my guppys gave birth to 9 lovely babies the other day, so they are swimming happily in thier trap, The test kits still havn't arrived which is a shame, but I am reacting as if ammonia was...
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    Noob Needs Help With Test Kit

    should I avoid feeding until I know if there is an ammonia build up ? Tank is overall 10 yrs old, It has always had fish in it, and has always had a filter and its a Fluval 2 Plus, (from memory) It took over from start to finish roughly an hour to transport the tank, The fish in the tank at...
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    Noob Needs Help With Test Kit

    sorry m8, I meant got one from ebay, hopefully it'll arrive soon, in the meantime would it be worthwhile doing maybe a 10% water change each night ?
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    Noob Needs Help With Test Kit

    ok, I did roughly a 40 - 50% change, also just bought an ammonia testing kit to see whats happening, if amonia is too high how can it be lowered? thanks for all your help guys
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    Noob Needs Help With Test Kit

    I think its a 15% water change each week, just to drain waste and hose gravel etc, I'll do a big change and see if deaths stop... thanks
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    Noob Needs Help With Test Kit

    Its a Tetra 5 in 1, can you recommend a good ammonia test kit ? preferably on ebay maybe ? The tank is 10 yrs old, but due to living arrangements I've not always been able to give it my full attention due to it being at a parents house whilst I am away at uni etc. Recently I moved it to my...
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    Noob Needs Help With Test Kit

    I do a water change every week, just a litte less than a washing up bowl of water each time, sorry I cant tell u the exact amount, as the mark on the side of my tank was put there nearly 10 years ago by a local aquarium guru to indicate the right amount to take out and have always stuck to it...
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    Hello From The Uk !

    Hi, thanks for the welcome !
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    Noob Needs Help With Test Kit

    Hi everyone, trying to get my community tank back into action after a long time with only a few fish in, added a 4 black tetras, 4 gourami and 4 guppies, over the space of roughly 3 weeks, making sure to to do water changes to avoid starting a mini cycle with the introduction of fish after...
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    Hello From The Uk !

    Hi all ! Once again getting back into keeping tropical fish, been away from the forums for over 4 years now, but making a welcome return, I'll be posting soon as I appreciate everyone's input into keeping my tank a healthy one :) thanks Term`
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    New Betta!

    when taking the pictures did u turn on macro setting?
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    Question About Ph

    Just a quick one, my pH is at 6.4 which is low ( ? ) I want to raise it but my gH is at 16, I understand the two are connected, if I raise the pH to 7.5 will it make the gH too high ? and how do I go about raising the pH ? any help greatly appreciated :)
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    Fish With Flared Out Scales

    I am no expert but I think it is something I encountered few years ago, appologies if this is just another name for an already mentioned desease, It could be Scale Protrusion ( Mibrio piscium or bacterium lepidorthosae) I got this from a book : - "As soon as scales begin to protrude...
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    Feeding Time Pics

    wonderful series of pics, love the names and the way you have presented the pics in sequence, the fish also look healthy and happy, :)
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    Trouble With Otocinclus

    Hi guys, sorry to ask what I can assume is a really simple question, I have recently just lost 2 Otocinclus with no obvious signs of death steming from desease, like white spot etc, so I turned to water conditions, but the Nitrate level doesn't register, the pH is 6.4 which I thought was...
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    "fluval 2 Plus" Help Please

    what is the "venturi effect"? and in response to the other comment, yes the little black bit is above the water, thanks for your help guys
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    "fluval 2 Plus" Help Please

    after recently loosing about 10 new fish due to what I now assume was "old tank syndrome" I am about ready to drain the tank, flush the fish and give up.... I have spent nearly a ?100 which I cant afford, on trying to get my fish tank back up to scratch. I have had the filter for 2 days and no...
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    Filter Advice For A Newbie

    ok, I am left wondering which it is that I test for now...... :blush: well I am still getting back into the hang of things after 3 yrs away from my tank, I'm gonna get a new filter, along with a test kit to make sure everything is fine, and then wen I buy fish try to limit the amount I get...
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    Filter Advice For A Newbie

    guess all I can do is make damn sure my water is perfect, and if it happens again, I kno its the filter, otherwise I kno the water is fine, I think up until now I relied too heavily on nitrate detection, and that was always clear, guess I need to check for everything else,
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    Filter Advice For A Newbie

    I test for nitrates on a weekly basis and have never had a problem, and fish that had appeared totally healthy have seemed to wedge themselves behind the filter. I dont really have any idea of the size of my tank, and as I have already said, I am not at home at present, so i cannot check, altho...
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    Filter Advice For A Newbie

    read a few reviews on interpet filters (which I think are similiar or the same as mine) and they all say its a bad filter for sucking fish in, and kiling them, so I am now looking for a new filter, any ideas ? Term`
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    Filter Advice For A Newbie

    do a partial water change every 3 or 4 weeks, and hose the gravel each time, I test for nitrates and have not had high levels. cant remember the exact dimensions of the tank, as I set it up when I was very young. I only actually had 2 unexplained deaths, the rest died from getting stuck...
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    New Here, Hi Everyone

    New to this forum, I use forums all over the net for various things, so thought I may aswell do it for my fish keeping hobbie aswell. So HI everyone, :) Hope my stay here is a pleasant one. Term`
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    Filter Advice For A Newbie

    I have kept tropical fish for about 8 years now, and I still consider myself to be a begginer, I have the average community aquarium, with easy to keep tetras and the such.... recently I came back from 3 yrs at uni and I decided to stock some new fish (as my tank only really had 2 or 3 fish...