Noob Needs Help With Test Kit


New Member
Jul 8, 2006
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Hi everyone,

trying to get my community tank back into action after a long time with only a few fish in, added a 4 black tetras, 4 gourami and 4 guppies, over the space of roughly 3 weeks, making sure to to do water changes to avoid starting a mini cycle with the introduction of fish after such a long time.

But had a few unexplained deaths recently (2 male guppies and 2 gourami - although I think these were badly bullied by an aggresive male),
can you guys cast your eyes over the results below and let me know if anything is obviously wrong,

my tank is 2x1x1ft which I believe means its 15 galons?

these are the test kit results : -

Ph - 7.2
Kh - 6
Gh - 16
No2 - 0
No3 - 50

sorry for being a complete noob, but I really do need to gradually feel my way back into the hobbie, as its not as easy as I remember :/

thanks in advance

Sorry about your fish dying :/

What test kit are you using because there's no result there for ammonia? If you're not testing for ammonia, that could be your problem :unsure:
so is the tank 3weeks old?

do you have an ammonia test kit if not worth investing in.
your readings look fine

nitrate could be a bit lower but this depends on what it is coming out your mains at.
worth testing it.
What is your temperature and water change schedule?

I do a water change every week, just a litte less than a washing up bowl of water each time, sorry I cant tell u the exact amount, as the mark on the side of my tank was put there nearly 10 years ago by a local aquarium guru to indicate the right amount to take out and have always stuck to it.

Temp is 26 C
Sorry about your fish dying :/

What test kit are you using because there's no result there for ammonia? If you're not testing for ammonia, that could be your problem :unsure:

Its a Tetra 5 in 1,

can you recommend a good ammonia test kit ? preferably on ebay maybe ?

so is the tank 3weeks old?

do you have an ammonia test kit if not worth investing in.
your readings look fine

nitrate could be a bit lower but this depends on what it is coming out your mains at.
worth testing it.

The tank is 10 yrs old, but due to living arrangements I've not always been able to give it my full attention due to it being at a parents house whilst I am away at uni etc.
Recently I moved it to my new flat, and have been able to "get back into it" and added a few fish over what I thought was a reasonable period of time. I made sure the water was ok before I introduced them, and followed all the normal procedures when introducing them.
I've been trying to do regular water changes to negate the sudden instroduction of fish after such a long time, but I guess I never allowed for ammonia, I will invest in a test kit which shows this...
best test kit to buy is the api master test kit it has everything you need and will last you a long time
the strips are not as accurate

how often do you do water changes?
do you use dechlorinator?
As has been said, the API master test kit is a good test to use, it pretty much covers everything except for your GH and Kh but you could buy that separately if necessary. You really need to be doing a minimum of 30-50% water change per week but I would strongly advise doing at least a 75-80% change straight away, if you haven`t been testing for ammonia then this could well be what`s causing your problem with fish dying.
Do a test on the water as soon as you can with the API kit, anything above 0 on the ammonia and nitrites needs sorting straight away by water changes. The nitrate should really be as low as possible, unfortunately nitrate in tap water isn`t always low, mine for examples comes out at 40 from the tap :/

So, buying a good test kit asap (ebay can great for price on the API kits), doing a really good gravel vac and water change and then posting here to let us know how you`re getting on is the way to go that I would recommend ;)
you need to determine what is going on really need ammonia test kit.
15% is fine a week thats perfect

do a big water change but not as much as 70-80% that can shock your fish and make it worse depending on how your doing it
ok, I did roughly a 40 - 50% change,

also just bought an ammonia testing kit to see whats happening, if amonia is too high how can it be lowered?

thanks for all your help guys
Yes will do no harm, dont feed just now either in case there is ammonia.
do you gravel vac ?
so can i just get something right:
tank is 10years old
has it always been running with fish in it before you moved it
how did you move tank and how long it take you
what filter are you using and has it always been running?
what fish are in the tank now?

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