Please Help - Opaline Gourami


New Member
Jul 8, 2006
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Hi Guys,
I was advised to post this in here,  hopefully someone can help,
Tank size:     12 gallons
pH:                7.2
ammonia:      0
nitrite:            0
nitrate:           25
kH:                6d
gH:                4d
tank temp:     76

Volume and Frequency of water changes:  15% every 1 - 2 weeks depending on waste withing gravel

Tank inhabitants:     2 corys, 1 gibby, 1 kuli loach, 2 pearl gourami, 1 black tetra, 2 dwarf gourami
Well that's a ton of gourami's for a 12 gallon tank. I mean just the opaline should grow up to be 6 inches long. But the opaline is also very territorial and gourami's in general hate other gouramis, so really you've put in 5 fish that will literally fight to the death in the tank. You might not see it when you're around, but they're probably fighting when you turn the light off or are asleep. You might just want to take the gourami's back and increase your black tetra population. Cory's depend on what kind but you should really have 6+ for them to be happy.
As for the weird lump and other things, probably inflicted from battle, probably an infection, more likely something viral. If it is viral there's no way of helping it. These gourami can live from 4-6 years with great fish care.
thanks for the advice,  I must admit I've never actually seen any signs of fighting,  but the marks on her does seem to suggest it.
The best thing you can do is to do WC every day, a fair amount maybe more the better (+matching temp&dechlor). She'll really heal up better with that.
riteo,  I'll do that,
I thought about the time scale of her illness,  and it started at least a month before the inclusion of the 4 additional gourami. 
But there was a time she got stuck behind the filter,  could that have damaged her ?
Well it could have, but fish generally are pretty fast healers...Like torn fins can take a few hours or a day to heal. Though infections can take a long time to heal.

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