Noob Needs Help With Test Kit

Yes will do no harm, dont feed just now either in case there is ammonia.
do you gravel vac ?
so can i just get something right:
tank is 10years old
has it always been running with fish in it before you moved it
how did you move tank and how long it take you
what filter are you using and has it always been running?
what fish are in the tank now?

should I avoid feeding until I know if there is an ammonia build up ?

Tank is overall 10 yrs old,
It has always had fish in it, and has always had a filter and its a Fluval 2 Plus, (from memory)
It took over from start to finish roughly an hour to transport the tank,
The fish in the tank at time of move were two corys, 2 plec, 1 gourami
I've now got 4 additional albino black tetra, 2 opaline gourami, 1 khuli loach, 2 guppys and 2 swordtails,

The additional fish were added a week after the tank was setup at my new flat, spread out over the next month so to avoid adding too many at once.
When I moved the fish I transported 40% of the water,
When I do a water change I always hose the gravel

hope this helps, thanks for all your advice and guidance so far
well I've been doing small water changea each day and no further deaths, infact quite the opposite, one of my guppys gave birth to 9 lovely babies the other day, so they are swimming happily in thier trap,
The test kits still havn't arrived which is a shame, but I am reacting as if ammonia was the problem so we'll see,
I'm really glad to hear that things are improving and congrats on the fry :good:

Daily water changes will help massively while you're waiting for the test kit to arrive, please do post the results when you have them. Thanks for letting us know how you're getting on :)
well I did an amonia test, and its between 0 - 0.25, so I'll keep doing water changes till its at 0, and see if I have anymore deaths,

thanks everyone !

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