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    Its Ordered :)

    Did you try boss aquariums? You could get a 6x2x2 delivered for that price.. i think. Unless they have changed their prices. Congrats BTW
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    Love your little worm lol, aww they are so cute at that age
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    From Nano And Beyond

    Love the vid of the clowns and the new anthias (sp) very cute
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    Few More Questions...

    Yeah i think i will start to vacume pack my extra salt. My mum brought a vacume packer thing from some american channel so it may aswell get some use lol
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    Few More Questions...

    Thank you, I better get this tank set up lol have a free weekend woo!
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    Few More Questions...

    Last question, In which order should i introduce these fish? Or does it even matter? thanks
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    Few More Questions...

    Well i think i will chuck it out. I just got it out and the box is all soft and the salt seems like someone has pured water on it??? its all stogy and not crusty. It hasn't been around water or got wet so its really weird. I was expecting to have to go at it with a pickaxe lol thanks anyway
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    Few More Questions...

    Another question lol I have half a box of salt that was opened some time eairler in the year. Will this be safe to use and i add the extra that is needed to make up the water? Or should i chuck it and use all new?
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    Few More Questions...

    I will just get a powerhead for a bit more flow, couldn't hurt right? Glad they can live together too thanks for the help.. again lol
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    Few More Questions...

    What kind of turnover should i be looking at on a fish only tank? I think i have 5-10x at the moment will make sure in a bit. But what should i aim for? Also does this sound a decent mix of fish that would get along? 1 normal clown (sorry forgot the name) 1 royal gramma 2 Banggai Cardinal...
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    Thinking Of Setting Up 10 Gallon Nano Sw Tank

    Hydrometer? Refractometer? They measure SG.
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    Tropical 20gallon African Tank

    Most of what people on this thread have posted is so unhelpful. Writing things like that will only make the OP not reply and keep the fish in the same tank. How about you try and be helpful which is what a forum is about, and explain what is wrong and stop being so hostile.
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    Low-calorie Recipies

    I am of no help but i would also like to know if anyone has any!
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    Converting An Aquaone 500?

    Yeah you dont need skimmers on small tanks, water changes are enough.
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    Thinking Of Setting Up 10 Gallon Nano Sw Tank

    I think thats to many, and to big fish for the tank size. Your really looking at 2 to 3 small fish in a 10 gallon max.
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    What Would Be The Best Mix Of Fish For This Tank?

    Good point, thanks for your help
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    Converting From Fw To Sw

    You cant use the turtle lamp, its more for reptiles that need UV light and heat. You will need an aquarium heater and aquarium lights depending on what coral you want. sand, salt, a hydrometer/refractometer, an ro unit, powerheads thats all i can think of lol, someone will be along with more...
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    What Would Be The Best Mix Of Fish For This Tank?

    Thanks for the reply. Yeah after looking about they seem to get huge, its a shame people keep them in Biorbs. I am most likely going to get a Percula. I have a extrenal filter rated for a much bigger tank size but i forget how big and im going to get as much macro algae as i can. Oh, ok then...
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    What Would Be The Best Mix Of Fish For This Tank?

    I was more just naming the fish i most wanted then going to pick the ones that would fit. Do you think if it was done slowly then i could fit them all? Or most of them? Also is there such a thing as to much light in a FO? Would my 2 T5 bulbs be ok, I read its best to use T8s on FO as brighter...
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    What Would Be The Best Mix Of Fish For This Tank?

    Thanks for the examples. I think i am going to go fish only. Would some of these fish be suited to a fish only of my tank size? -Bi colour/ flame dwarf angelfish (1 or the other obv) -Royal Gramma -Some kind of clownfish -Banggai Cardinal -Bicolor Blenny -Smiths Blenny Thanks for all of your...
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    What Would Be The Best Mix Of Fish For This Tank?

    Yeah just had a read up, i would rather keep peaceful (or as close to as poss) fish. I have no idea what im going to get in the end, any suggestions?
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    What Would Be The Best Mix Of Fish For This Tank?

    Thanks, Do you think my tank would house a pair or maroon clownfish? and then maybe a few other small fish?
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    What Would Be The Best Mix Of Fish For This Tank?

    Im kind of torn between a marine or a planted (FW) tank. I am thinking of just doing a simple fish only marine tank even though my tank isnt big. My tank is about 40"x12"x15" LWH, would i get a decent mix of small fish in a tank this size for it to be worth while?
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    What Do You Need To Keep Plants Alive And Healthy?

    Is Eco-complete a good substrate? does it have to mixed or layed under something? Or can you just use it and nothing else? I like the idea of a black substrate with a black background to bring out the colours of the plants and fish
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    What Do You Need To Keep Plants Alive And Healthy?

    Hi, i am considering a planted tank (or a marine tank) My tank is 40" x 12"x 15" LWH, 2 T5 39watt tubes to light the tank with and thats about all i know lol What kinds of plants will live well under these plants? Do i need things like a CO2 injector? compost or an aquatic sub? Plant foods...
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    What Can I Keep Under These Lights?

    Hi, its about 40" x 12" x 15" LWH thanks for the replys
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    What are you using to test the SG?
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    What Can I Keep Under These Lights?

    Also, what are some good name brands for powerheads? thanks
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    Hard Candy

    me too, I was doing other things and had it on in the background. I will have to watch it all one day. The bits i saw were really good? Did the man kill himself in the end?
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    What Can I Keep Under These Lights?

    There is a set of 2 T5s and a starter in my LFS for £50 which i thought was decent deal. They are 2 39watt tubes. My tank is about 15" high. Would I be able to keep soft corals alive and well with these? I only want some mushrooms, (i think they are called) zoas and some macro algaes. thanks
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    Overkill? Skimmer

    I have a 120 litre fish only tank and was wondering if the v2 1500 would be overkill for skimming as i can get one really cheap thanks
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    Does Tap Water Kill Lr?

    Yeah it is from other reefers tanks, who are selling it on
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    Does Tap Water Kill Lr?

    Cool, better put in an order for quite a bit lol thanks for the help guys
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    Does Tap Water Kill Lr?

    yeah im using a chamical dechlorinator, thanks for the information. one more question, will macro algae be ok in the water too? thank you
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    Does Tap Water Kill Lr?

    Yeah, thats cool, is there anything i can add (ever filter media or liquid) that can get rid of some of the other nasties found in tap water that dechloirnator cant get? thanks
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    Does Tap Water Kill Lr?

    Does tap water kill live rock, im thinking of getiing some but i have a FO setup where is use dechlorinated tap water. The dechlorinator says it also gets rid of heavy metals. so do you think i can add some LR or will the water just kill it?
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    My First Lizard- Tips Please!

    Yeah crickets are quite cheap and its eaiser to buy them (£2 worth lasts a month for my leopard gecko) As for Anoles never kept them but there are many reptile forums that could help a bit more than me
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    Spooky Or Just Plain Odd?

    Maybe its a ghost, maybe you couldn't see it but the camera picked it up Or a smudge on the camera
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    Gym Class Heroes

    I dont like 'hip hop' but for some reason i like them
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    Is This A Good Deal?

    I think its fine someone new to saltwater to have a nano. My first SW tank was a 10 gallon. Its all about research.