Few More Questions...


Fish Crazy
Jul 3, 2006
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What kind of turnover should i be looking at on a fish only tank? I think i have 5-10x at the moment will make sure in a bit. But what should i aim for?

Also does this sound a decent mix of fish that would get along?

1 normal clown (sorry forgot the name)
1 royal gramma
2 Banggai Cardinal Fish
1 Bi colour angel

maybe some sort of blenny but i will see how it goes.

thanks :good:
I'd say minmum of 10 times turnover.

So long as the tank's big enouh, those fish will get along just fine
I will just get a powerhead for a bit more flow, couldn't hurt right?

Glad they can live together too

thanks for the help.. again lol
Another question lol

I have half a box of salt that was opened some time eairler in the year. Will this be safe to use and i add the extra that is needed to make up the water? Or should i chuck it and use all new?
Might be a little inconvenient as it's surely absorbed some moisture. It's probably a little crusty/solid... It's fine to use, just might be difficult depending how deep the crust goes :)
Well i think i will chuck it out. I just got it out and the box is all soft and the salt seems like someone has pured water on it??? its all stogy and not crusty. It hasn't been around water or got wet so its really weird. I was expecting to have to go at it with a pickaxe lol

thanks anyway
1 normal clown (sorry forgot the name)
1 royal gramma
2 Banggai Cardinal Fish
1 Bi colour angel

Last question,

In which order should i introduce these fish? Or does it even matter?

Salt absorbs moisture so it can create a puddle of salt water in the bucket if the lid is off for too long.
Salt absorbs moisture so it can create a puddle of salt water in the bucket if the lid is off for too long.

Yeah i think i will start to vacume pack my extra salt. My mum brought a vacume packer thing from some american channel so it may aswell get some use lol

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