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  1. X

    The Reef Down The Corner

    Ok so time for some pictures, apologies for the appears my 18-55mm lense has a problem with auto-focusing :furious:, so these are shot from about 3 metres with my 70-300mm lens. First up: The world looks far cooler vertical: Note the MASOV acro frag which is extending down...
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    10 Gallon Nano Tank Diary

    True but in this game its wise to wait a week just to ensure thats the case. Also given he is using some engineered rock which is not live time to seed the tank from the LR may take some time to ready itself for the bioload. But I do agree that if rock is from an established tank (a few months...
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    10 Gallon Nano Tank Diary

    *shakes* no it wont have cycled yet....your bacteria from your real live rock will need to colonise...and it will probably take 2-3 weeks for the tank to properly cycle depending on the freshness of the LR. But it is worth while checkin your water parameters to see how the cycle is going.
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    The Reef Down The Corner

    Well Hi folks, the diary has been languishing a bit....but I figure I might have to update it again for you all to keep you interested. So will be putting an update together tommorow with some shots of how everythings some new additions. Suffice to say everything is growing well and...
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    Tl550 Nano In The Making!

    Heh yeah BigC its pretty ridiculous.. was having a chat with an owner at a LFS about the shrimp situation in Melbourne. Part of the reason is that Inverts are not allowed to be imported into Aus which means local sourcing is required. Given that demand over here is not particularly...
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    Tl550 Nano In The Making!

    Hey kip, if you dont mind me asking, how much did you pay for the redline cleaners? Pics look great. Over here we play 150$ AUD a pop for them.
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    Tl550 Nano In The Making!

    Yeah,thats ammonia test will always be somewhat long as its white its all good. For your pictures id suggest maximum size of 640x480 pixels, then upload to somewhere like photobucket with the link in between two tags: [IMG]<Picture address reference>[\IMG] Expect to see...
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    The Reef Down The Corner

    So its time to update the pictures and the stocklist. First up: Test Results: Salinity: 1.026-1.027 pH: 8.3 KH: 9.5 dKH PO4: 0.06 ppm Ca: 440 ppm NO3: 5 ppm WARNING THE FOLLOWING MAY CONTAIN EXCESSIVE USE OF AQUAKNEADIT...IT IS SUGGESTED THAT IF YOU FEEL SQUEAMISH ABOUT EXCESSIVE USE YOU...
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    The Reef Down The Corner

    Well another pictorial update will come tonight, with some other pretty little things and what have you. Finally made an addition to the aquascape...while its not the most pretty piece of rock (as compared to the gorgeous coralline on everything came from a friends long cycled tank...
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    Tl550 Nano In The Making!

    I suspect if hes using the Salifert kits that hes merely stating the lower boundary (and given the nitrate reading im guessing its would be higher if the cycle was still running). Easy way to tell is that if there is any sort of creamy component to the ammonia test its non-zero...
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    Issue With Mixing Synthetic Salt In Water

    Try the other salt only worry with the balance is its probably not going to be easy to determine or maintain the pH stability...hopefully since its dry you shouldnt have any problems with a semi-saturated precipitate.
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    Issue With Mixing Synthetic Salt In Water

    Ok....a question: when you dissolved your salt did you heat your water as you did it? This does make a difference to the solubility of salt and Calcium Carbonate. Im guessing the pH reduction stuff (being an acid) reacted with the calcium carbonate and likely displacing the Carbonate ions in...
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    The Reef Down The Corner

    Im not too worried about the was a free frag from a local society to test,,,we shall see how it goes. ironically an even smaller frag is unbleached and looking healthy...just couldnt get a good shot.
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    The Reef Down The Corner

    Im planning on doing a background...not sure whether to go with a blue or a black though...will get onto it So Picture update to satiate you all. Note that a few of these thing are still not fully coloured, but things are definitely improving. Apologies for the quality of pictures...dont have...
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    Our Journey To The Salty Side - Part One

    Awww you poor thing. Sad to hear it.
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    Our Journey To The Salty Side - Part One

    Looking good guys. Love the yellow polyp there...i got some beautiful blue zoas on my new addition only wish i could send them over. Mandarin looks lovely, i saw a ripper eating frozen at my LFS today that I had to resist buying...but just reminded myself that i can have one when i get a...
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    The Reef Down The Corner

    Well corals are looking good, heres the tank stats: Test Results for the last test today: Temp: 26C Salinity: 1.026-1.027 hard to tell due to eyesight. NH4: 0 NO2: 0 NO3: 2.5 ppm pH: 8.2 Ca: 425ppm PO4: 0.05ppm (possibly even lower...its sort of 50/50). Everything seems to be going...
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    The Reef Down The Corner

    Rightio, Pic time! I've been suspicious that the ammonia results for the API were quite close to zero for some time, and using the salifert kit ive confirmed it. So after I found out someone nearby was selling a snail and some other stuff, I went round last night....had a look and decided on a...
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    The Reef Down The Corner

    Soon, Soon, Plus an update on water parameters (though you can look at the Reefin the Aussie Way forums lol). My Salifert Tests arrived and Ill have some new pics up tommorow.
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    The Reef Down The Corner

    Well some news, I fitted a kilo of LR extra into the HOB, so that can only be a good thing filtration wise. Its also increased my volume by around a litre and a half after the LR is added. Not sure though if I should have lighting in the HOB though. And so far this morning my Koralia Nano and...
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    Saltwater Test Kit

    Ive had some trouble with API accuracy (particularly the KH). Im paying the extra for salifert.
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    The Reef Down The Corner

    Well...i've come to the conclusion that I might as well bite the bullet and go with salifert and not waste my time with lesser test really isnt worth the effort. Therefore I placed an order today for: Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, Phosphate and Calcium. Im really disapointed I couldnt...
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    The Reef Down The Corner

    Time for an Update: Hot temperatures have abated somewhat, temps back down to the 30's. Nasty little heatwave though, with 39, 43.5, 44.3 and a big finale of 45.1 before dropping to 37. Fortunately the tank seems to be ok...though I appear to have had 2 little crabs die (don't know what killed...
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    The Reef Down The Corner

    You wanna swap? Ill bring you to zero if you send me all your negative degrees :P. Not looking forward to the half hour walk in this heat.
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    The Reef Down The Corner

    The lights have been off each just too worried about how hot it can get. Lost power for 9 hours today and saw the tank go to 28 before the power came back on. Its been fairly difficult to keep it down....i have RO ice ready just in case. Today peaked at 44.7 Celsius in the city, and...
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    The Reef Down The Corner

    Well the tanks surviving without lighting the next couple of days.....which hopefully might slow the algae somewhat...but more out of necessity. Today it reached a top of 43.4, while my tank maxed out just below 27. Next two days are forecast at 43 so hopefully wont have too many problems with...
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    My 8gal Pico Journal =]

    You really need to get the heater, particularly in the cold conditions near you, you are going to need to elevate the tank temperature to keep the bacteria alive and may effect your current corals. Id try and hide it in the back as well. Heating wise you probably need a 50W for...
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    Hydor Nano

    With softies you should be find with what you are at. I'm persoally upgrading my 500L/h to a Koralia Nano in addition to my HoB refugium sump mainly because i plan to run some SPS at some point and need the additional flow. Particularly with mushrooms you dont want too much flow.
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    The Reef Down The Corner

    Rightio, the tank has been doing well since I bought a small desk fan to regulate the temperature under lights during this very hot period. I've also got aircon running to keep the room temp down for my other tanks, so the temp is a fairly stable 26 degrees. Today was hot as hell, and the next 4...
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    The Reef Down The Corner

    Well 2 weeks in the algae is taking over, Ive got hair algae everywhere it seems, and buildup beginning on the glass and sand as well. Also discovered a few interesting seeming hithikers: a couple of things which during lights out flutter like feathers or leaves in the wind, and something living...
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    The Reef Down The Corner

    Ok heres the tank stats as of this morning: pH: 7.8-8 (lights havent been on long, ill retest tonight to see if there is fluctuation) Alk: 11.5 dKH NH4: 0.25ppm Nitrite: 0-0.25ppm Nitrate: 5ppm Loos like its cycling away happily. FTS to come tonight.
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    The Reef Down The Corner

    Well im getting some algae growth, not sure which yet but ive noticed a distinct greening of my central rock in the past couple of days. will try and get another FTS soon, and water test should be coming as well (tommorow). Working on refugium tommorow and possibly getting my koralia nano...
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    The Reef Down The Corner

    I assume the operculum is the skin/body which i think is darkish brown/ black. Is this snail safe if it is what you decribe? I will attempt to find where hes hiding and get a better shot.
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    The Reef Down The Corner

    Mmm....a few varied things, turbos, astreas, think i can also get ceriths. Any suggestions on what I should be looking for (I can try a couple of different places when the time comes). Ill put a picture up of the hitchhiker snail if anyone can ident: Also fixed the powerhead noise issue, had...
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    Small Chiclids For Small Tank

    Alternatively you could keep a species tank of cichlids, for exampe electric yellows or saulosi. Another option would be tanganikans, you could keep a multifaciatus colony, or a bunch of brevis, or alternatively a mixed tanganikan tank. Have a look at others journals and see if you find anything...
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    The Reef Down The Corner

    Well my little mantis has disapeared...his hole is open and hes high tailed it. Decided to do a water test to see if anything was happening, here are the results: Test Results 1: Salinity: 1.025 (Hydrometer, not happy with it but cant seem to get a refractometer atm...) pH: 8.0 as far as I can...
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    Dawn On The Reef

    Nice work C, Looks great, I think ive got sump envy.
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    The Reef Down The Corner

    Maybe thats an option once I get more set up, and have alot of money to spare (given that the tunze pump alone is $115 over here, a similar price to the Hydor Koralia.) I can probably leave this for the moment as my tank needs to mature for quite a while anyway before i get to the serious...
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    Our Journey To The Salty Side - Part One

    congrats seff, glad to hear your having success with your mandarin, sounds like great news.
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    Couple Questions On A Us 8g

    Well, to give you an idea, in my tank ive got about 3.5kg or so at 5.5Gall, so if your tank doesnt look to full you might want to look at upping it a little, particularly because you need the bio filtration given you are heavily stocked. If youve got spare LR you can break it yourself, or...