Small Chiclids For Small Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jan 4, 2009
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are there any chiclids that would be suitable for a 140l tank sorry dont know gallons
any suggestions welcome
140L is pretty large by many peoples standards. You could easily house a hareem of dwarf Cichlids, Apisto's for example. I'd almost say it's large enough for a few angels as long as it's relatively tall.

The fish in my avatar is an Apitogramma Caciatuoids, or Dwarf Cockatoo Cichlid. These are best kept in a hareem of one male to two or three females depending on the size of the tank. Allow plenty of caves in plant pots or under bogwoodand keep the tank well planted to keep these fish happy. A school of peaceful tankmates or dither fish such as small tetras or pencilfish help this fish feel more confident and you'll see more of them in open water. Still my favourite fish, even though I like my plecs and cory's.
Alternatively you could keep a species tank of cichlids, for exampe electric yellows or saulosi. Another option would be tanganikans, you could keep a multifaciatus colony, or a bunch of brevis, or alternatively a mixed tanganikan tank. Have a look at others journals and see if you find anything you like.

140l to gallons=36.9840873 US gallons

I'd do some Tanganyikan Cichlids :nod:

some Altolamprologus calvus or compressiceps

a julidochromis species......something like that.

If your tank is 48"L then you could keep a few more Malawi mbuna species perhaps. What are the dimensions?
What fish are u keeping already as u seem to be quite intrested in discus and rams (just saw the topic's) as these fish are not compatible.

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