The Reef Down The Corner

The lights have been off each just too worried about how hot it can get. Lost power for 9 hours today and saw the tank go to 28 before the power came back on. Its been fairly difficult to keep it down....i have RO ice ready just in case. Today peaked at 44.7 Celsius in the city, and probably closer to 45 here.

Phew that is blooming hot :crazy:

Seffie x

Don't feel embarrassed of algae ridden tanks. It's good for other people to see what you go through. They know for sure that they're not alone and the algae will pass after a few steps have been taken.


Btw, we're around -17 C here. Sometimes we get to -12C.
You wanna swap? Ill bring you to zero if you send me all your negative degrees :p. Not looking forward to the half hour walk in this heat.
Time for an Update:

Hot temperatures have abated somewhat, temps back down to the 30's. Nasty little heatwave though, with 39, 43.5, 44.3 and a big finale of 45.1 before dropping to 37. Fortunately the tank seems to be ok...though I appear to have had 2 little crabs die (don't know what killed them...possibly my little friend the mantis has moved homes and started hunting).

Well theres no pic today as Im tired and the tank is under gladwrap (bug sprayers are doing the house, not my room though so its a precaution to ensure my tanks are ok).

However, some positive news...following placing myself through the punishment of working an Australian Open again (170 hours in 2 weeks is wrong) I decided to lash out and spend for my little tank. Have bought a Koralia Nano and a Refractometer :hyper: (the second is a bit of a long time purchase for future larger tanks ;) but useful for ensuring the stability) from Age of Aquariums which should arrive in the next day or so. This will see the other powerhead retired to mixing duties/ backup. Ill also be heading to a place I know to look for some better testing kits and to get Calc and a new KH kit.

Other good news is my surface skimming Penguin 125 HoB refugium has been converted, and the aquarium safe silicone (which has a pleasant vinegar aroma while curing) has now cured making it safe for use, so ill be adding that to the system as well...probably with additional LR for added filtration(as im still thinking about lighting for macro...probably eventually using LEDs. It should increase my volume by about 3L (2 after LR displacement). The heater will be moved into it as well removing some clutter, and powerhead placement hopefully will work better. Ill show whats been done to the 125 if anyone would like to emulate, but basically emanates from around the Aquaclear 70 design. Then once all this is up (in pictures) it will be FTS time with another set of water tests.

So more to come soon (probably tommorow).
Well...i've come to the conclusion that I might as well bite the bullet and go with salifert and not waste my time with lesser test really isnt worth the effort. Therefore I placed an order today for:
Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, Phosphate and Calcium.

Im really disapointed I couldnt get a KH test (out of stock) so im going to see if I can find one locally from API (as I believe there is a different constituent used for KH in freshwater kits).

I figure the ability to effectively test this tank will mean savings in the long run for stock etc.

As promised: Picture time!

The new HOB Refugium:

The skimming attachment:

And Today's 'Test' Results:
pH: 8.2
Alk: Still stupidly high due to wrong testing method i think.
Ammonia: Non-Zero (slightly green i think so 0.25)
Nitrite: Zero

Will look into KH tommorow and await the delivery of the new powerhead and testing equipment.
Well some news, I fitted a kilo of LR extra into the HOB, so that can only be a good thing filtration wise. Its also increased my volume by around a litre and a half after the LR is added. Not sure though if I should have lighting in the HOB though.

And so far this morning my Koralia Nano and Refractometer have arrived. The Nano is a dream as compared to the prior powerhead, the magnet adjusting and directional flow are just so much easier to use. The flow doesnt seem to be too much so thats a good thing.

As for the refractometer i've got it calibrated, and found my SG to be 1.026 which is a fraction on the high side of what I thought.

Hopefully my salifert kits will arrive later today.
Making headway there Xeb.
I keep my Nano at 1.026 so no worries there mate.
Any more pics
Soon, Soon, Plus an update on water parameters (though you can look at the Reefin the Aussie Way forums lol).

My Salifert Tests arrived and Ill have some new pics up tommorow.
Rightio, Pic time!

I've been suspicious that the ammonia results for the API were quite close to zero for some time, and using the salifert kit ive confirmed it. So after I found out someone nearby was selling a snail and some other stuff, I went round last night....had a look and decided on a few purchases. $25 later i've now got some inhabitants and a spare 100W heater for my larger cichlid tanks.

Salifert Results:
Salinity (refractometer): 1.026
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 2.5-5ppm
Calcium: 440-450ppm
Phosphates: 0.075ppm.

Still need to get my hands on an Alk test.

Everyone opened up this morning which is a good sign, One of the rics is a little upset due to be partially attached to another rock which he was removed from last night before moving into my tank. The acclimatisation seemed to work well...took over 3 hours, but I think it was worth it. The Snail was playing hard to see this morning, so no pics of him yet. So here we go:




Another shot of the Zoas.


Ricordea pair.


Ricordeas closer together.




Close up

Hope you all enjoy, waterchange ended up being a 25% or thereabouts.

Need to go pic up some more RO water today.

Very happy with my purchases.
Well corals are looking good, heres the tank stats:
Test Results for the last test today:
Temp: 26C
Salinity: 1.026-1.027 hard to tell due to eyesight.
NH4: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: 2.5 ppm
pH: 8.2
Ca: 425ppm
PO4: 0.05ppm (possibly even lower...its sort of 50/50).

Everything seems to be going good with the Trochus and Turbo snails.
Im planning on doing a background...not sure whether to go with a blue or a black though...will get onto it

So Picture update to satiate you all. Note that a few of these thing are still not fully coloured, but things are definitely improving. Apologies for the quality of pictures...dont have access to the 18-200 atm.


The new acan (i think) with zoa garden in the front left. Its showing alot more green...hopefully the reds will recover.


The new acan and the blue palythoa/zoa polyps.


The acropora which has been bleaching....the bleaching has definitely material appeared to be lost so I think im winning the battle. The polyps are also looking alot happier and extended. I think the problem was too much light in combination with the combination with the aquakneedit contact....not to mention probably insufficient maturity of the tank...but the experiment continues.


The previously distressed ric has recovered and is looking good.

And the RH Ric.


The Zoas from Kirsty, starting to improve.


Some more of Kirstys zoas, and the two frags I bought from Jess, which are now opening huge and starting to propagate already.


Left Hand Corner


The Green Monti, which seems to be trying to encrust already.


I think the best pic of the lot: the pretty quite as nice as the fluro pink i saw but still beautiful.

And finally the essential picture: FTS


As you can see I think the spot is ripe for another rock as the back to add some height and more structure to attach the corals to.

On kirstys suggestion dropped the lighting schedule to let the acro recover and I think its a major contributor (together with dropping its possie in the tank).

Will do a water test tommorow I think (at last test everything was good and in good range).
Lovely Acro, what a great colour and a Blasto, my you are going full speed ahead - you got all that for 25 wow

Seffie x


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