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  1. H

    Pictures To Inspire - Wanted

    This inspries me but probably not many other people Oh pants it didnt work. How the hell to i attach photo's
  2. H

    Koi Pond

    Ill hopefully be able to get some pictures up next week
  3. H

    Newbie Filteration Question

    Welcome Yes you can run an internal filter with an external filter but unless your planning on fish that produce lots of waste or are going to overstock the tank. I would personally recomend eheim filters over fluval if your looking at external and make sure you get one that is self priming...
  4. H

    Community Keeper With Mbuna Interest..

    Apart from the aggresion of Mbuna they also need different water quality to that of your normal community tank in order for you to get the best of them. As well as this you need to make sure there is lots of rock work and crevasis in the tank to try and create as natural environment as possible...
  5. H

    My New Pond

    looking very good :good:
  6. H

    Koi Pond

    Was on there yesterday looked really good. Words can not describe how excited i am. I built a friends koi pond last year and ever since have been desperate for a bigger garden so i can have a huuuge one on there. The great thing is this one looks better than i could ever have done. And it has...
  7. H

    Koi Pond

    Thanks Tip The pond cuts the garden in half and has a bridge over one end of it. I need to get the precise measurements as im going off what the current owner says. It has a waterfall going into it at one end so i am asuming it is a pump fed filter and not a gravity one. Im goin to go round on...
  8. H

    New To Keeping Fish

    all i would say before jumping into the world of marines is do as much research into everything as possible. its so expensive that you dont really want to do things wrong and cost yourself more money or kill any of the fish an invertabrates
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    Buying Fish Online?

    thing that would concern me about buying online is you cant actually see the fish you are buying and therefore cant check its condition, if it is eating properly etc etc etc
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    Plec Id Needed

    id agree it looks like a common bristlenose lovely pleco's they are and they dont get huuuge
  11. H

    Ray's? 55gal Tank? Info. Please.

    I went to a place the other week and they had a few rays in a tank that i thought was a little small spoke to the guy there and he said 8x3x3 foot min size really
  12. H

    Koi Pond

    Ok ive just bought a new house which has the most amazing pond ive ever seen. its supposubdly 8 foot deep, 24 foot in length and 8 foot accross. It currently houses some lovely koi three of which are huge already (2foot ish) and cost the guy £800 each suposubdly. I need to know of any...
  13. H

    Newbee Here

    Hi Been browsing the site for a while and thought it was finally time to join so i can pass any of my knowledge on and pick other peoples brains as well. Ive been keeping fish for aproximately 10 years and in the past have had various tanks including a 100g malawi tank. I am currently in the...