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  1. G

    Molly Has Big White Spot On The Head

    Ok mate I'll aerate the tank, didn't think to do that, running co2 for the plants as well!
  2. G

    Molly Has Big White Spot On The Head

    I got some antibiotics for the tank which I can use for two days and have melafix handy if needed after that. Do you think I should raise the temperature of the tank again? I'm not sure if the antibiotics will destroy the good bacteria, so I've taken taken some of the filter wool out into a...
  3. G

    Molly Has Big White Spot On The Head

    Doesn't look like it mate , cannot see any, but I read about columnaris spots and the last molly who had the spot went brown as well :unsure: I raised the temperature yesterday so I should put it back down I guess? Haven't got a hospital tank no more either
  4. G

    Molly Has Big White Spot On The Head

    My last molly had a big spot on her head and it sort of dissapeared but then went black. A few days later she died A few weeks on another female molly has the same spot, same look to it, in exactly the same place. I done a 50% water change the other day, added a bit of aquarium salt and...
  5. G

    Had Molly Fry

    Congrats too :D :good: hope none of yours were gobbled up! I heard they can have up to 30 babies, so I think 90% of mine got eaten :( I'm just so happy I had some fish babies for once :hyper: thanks paul :D what colour are your ones? Mine are Yellow with black spots , just like their mum...
  6. G

    Had Molly Fry

    First time ever. My sailfin molly had given birth. I've kept sailfins for about a year with no real luck. Now I just assumed if they did have babies they would have been eaten. My tank is like a jungle, 95 gallons. I was cutting away some of the polysperma and noticed a tiny molly, I was really...
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    Me New Betta

    cheers mate, i wont risk it, i have got a female in the massive tank, but wont put her with yiddo cheers! :good:
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    75g Planted

    No probs man!, does that make it over 4 WPG, i quite like your lighting period, when I first started I left it on way too long. I never mastered EI dosing, the phosphate seemed to go off the richter scale. I think with the amount of fish I have, they produce enough po4 and no3 somehow :blink...
  9. G

    Livebearers: Breeding and rearing guide.

    Is it always as simple as people say to breed livebearers? I've had two tanks 95 gallon jungle planted and 25 gallon without any luck the big tank has co2 running so the PH is 6.2 does that matter? the other tank is ph 7.5 , do temps matter at all? i had like 5 females (sailfin mollies) and...
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    75g Planted

    Lovely tank mate - what ferts and watts per gallon do you have? do you use co2? really like the layout of the plants! top stuff :hyper:
  11. G

    Me New Tank

    Thanks both :good: Today I gave it the prune, it took about 45 minutes to do! Now it looks so bare, a lot of the plants underneath got some defiencies so it's not that great, I realise now I should have planted the top parts, and got rid of the bottoms, but I'll do that next time!
  12. G

    Me New Tank

    Hello all , thanks for all the comments you have left. Got a new camera here and I've been real lazy to prune the tank, thought I'd take some shots before i chop it all away! Gold gourami with several rainbowfish amongst the forest Some rainbowfish and a big fat platy! Main shot of the...
  13. G

    Me New Betta

    thanks :good: i was curious to know which he was. Would it be risky to add a female to that tank? of the sameish colour. I heard they can fight, I have a 95 gallon tank incase it goes bad , dunno if it's worth rocking the boat. He is very very very lively and swims like mad all day long, it's...
  14. G

    About To Give Up On Real Plants Again!

    I don't think it's the plants mate, and the co2 will only do it good. The stronger the light, the more the plants will need co2 and ferts. You don't say how big your tank is. If it's 10 gallon, then I say 22-30 watts would be great. As that would be between 2.2 WGP (watts per gallon) and...
  15. G

    Jen's 90 Gallon Tank

    Any more updates Jen? Sorry to hear about your loss. My favourite fish is dying at the moment with swim bladder. Looks like your tank has changed quite a bit! can't wait to see new pictures! Mines always the same here, one day i'll redo it all! Have you thought about a PH monitor at all...
  16. G

    Member's Planted Tanks (Follow Directions To Submit A Tank)

    Tank: 95 gallon tank Filtration: One eheim Classic 2215 and Aquaclear 100? Lighting: 260 watt coralife lighting. 2.7 WPG Co2: Co2 injection. 10lb tank with a rio power reactor. uncountable bubbles per minute. Using a milwaukee PH controller too. Substrate: 100% Flourite Ferts: TMG (improved...
  17. G

    Sailfin Molly Doesn't Look Good

    95 gallons - PH 6.2 (co2 running) - amonia 0ppm - nitrite 0ppm - nitrate 10ppm temp was 82 - making it rise to 85 looks like it's white coming out his toilet . normally feed veg and algae flakes. blood worms and brine shrimp twice a week. he doesn't look bloated at all (had a few in the past...
  18. G

    Sailfin Molly Doesn't Look Good

    95 gallons - PH 6.2 (co2 running) - amonia 0ppm - nitrite 0ppm - nitrate 10ppm temp was 82 - making it rise to 85 at the moment to see if it'll help i'll try get a picture soon
  19. G

    Sailfin Molly Doesn't Look Good

    My black saiflin molly is starting to lose a bit of equilibrium. His tail slowly goes up, but not loads, and he's not eating. He looked fine 2 hours ago but I think it's just started to come on. Is there anything I can do quickly to help cure him? All the fish I've had that have had this...
  20. G

    Me New Betta

    Thanks all for the messages :good: :) I'm not sure what sort of Betta he is, is there such thing as a regular Betta? My last one died of bloat, and the one before that I had the worst accident ever and syphoned him :angry: It's great he doesn't flare at any of the fish, and shows no sign...
  21. G

    Me New Betta

    Me new Betta called Yiddo
  22. G

    Video Of Me New Betta

    My new Betta called Yiddo
  23. G

    Fav Fish Gone Weird

    sorry forgot to mention he's in there with others. community tank. i'll pop down the fish store and get some! will that maracyn kill the good bacteria?
  24. G

    Fav Fish Gone Weird

    Yesterday I turned my co2 off overnight for the first time in ages. I noticed when I do a water change my sailfin molly doesn't do well with the PH change. I noticed last night he was shaking side to side and going mad. So I put the co2 back to get the PH back to where it was, and he was normal...
  25. G

    Clown Loaches

    Nice clown loaches mate :good: . I upgraded my tank to 95 gallon to put mine in. I was lucky enough to get ahold of two 8 inch ones for 25 for two! It's the girlfriend that loves them The only think I dislike about them they're very very destructive with the plants, they're like lawnmowers...
  26. G

    Quick Cure

    is quick cure bad for plants? i have loads of plants in my tank. dosed with it today. turned temp up to 85 also
  27. G

    Post A Pic Of Your Fish Tank & Rate The Fish Tank Above You

    I love the wood at the back and the substrate, nice rocks too. once them plants grow more it'll look even more better. 8/9 . In a few months it'll reach 9 :good:
  28. G

    Me New Tank

    Hello all. I thought I'd do a little update I cut off some of the java moss and put it on the man's head but it slowly dissapeared. I gotta buy a new bunch for it :unsure: I've got a few more plants now. I was having major defiency problems for a while, I lost quite a lot of plants. I've...
  29. G

    Dechlorinating Water

    Hello all, is there anyway i can dechlorinate the water without adding water conditioner/stress coat? someone once said that you can leave a bucket of water out for a few days and that would remove itself. Is this true? I've got a bucket with a lid on at the moment. Hoping someone can confirm...
  30. G

    Calling All Red Sea Reactor 500 Owners!

    Yeah man that's correct :) . I had that little reactor for a while. I didn't find it to be effective enough. Maybe because I had a 55 gallon and 95 gallon tank. I use a rio power reactor instead now. Which is around the same price with goes up to 200 gallon tanks. Not sure how big your tank...
  31. G

    My 25g Planted Tank.

    Cool tank, has it got a black background? I like the gravel you're using I'm not sure if you're leaving the plants in the pots for the timebeing or permanent? but they can come out of there and be planted :good: I'd also try put a amazon sword in there and a little bit of java moss to grow...
  32. G

    My New Tank :d 3 Foot

    It stands so proud, a thing of beauty, reasuringly expensive. Stella Artois! Sling a background on your tank too, that'll make the plants look better. I'm not sure if that stand will cut it, it maybe ok. For every UK gallon that's 15lbs of weight. 10 gallon = 150lb 20 gallon = 300 lb etc If...
  33. G

    44g Planted Tropical Last!

    Wow that's a big swordtail! It's great you have her that big and the males gets on with her It's really amazing you should mention about your black sailfin molly with the yellow on his dorsal fin, I have one exactly the same! I bought him about two weeks ago. There is a video of him here...
  34. G

    44g Planted Tropical Last!

    i love the way you've laid out the rocks on the right hand side, with the big plant growing over the top! Great stuff I think I have that same plant too, it's a great grower! Is that a gold sailfin at the molly at the front? They're me favourite fish I like cambomba (i think you have it on...
  35. G

    Ripped My Fish Up :`(

    Thanks both :good: Today I bought slow coach 2 , hopefully he'll live a happy life! I'll upload pictures at some point :D
  36. G

    Clown Loaches And Their Step Brothers!

    I have a platy who thinks he is a black skirt tetra. He never leaves the tetras side. But my loaches are prety normal even if all six of them like to jam into the smallest tube in the tank. (and the clowns are between 6-8 inches)
  37. G

    Ripped My Fish Up :`(

    true , i just feel a bit of a dimmy though slowcoach died a few hours later, he was badly torn up. my girlfriend just told me there is a thing to stop the python sucking more which i didn't realise in a panic i guess people always learn from their mistakes, this will teach me a lesson for the...
  38. G

    Ripped My Fish Up :`(

    thanks tolak, i'll try my best to keep it clean. i really can't believe i done that :sad: worst thing ever i'm seriously considering getting rid of the tank now and just keeping the 95 gallon going. i should win idiot of the year award for :fish:
  39. G

    Ripped My Fish Up :`(

    I've added some melafix in there. a piece of his back is missing, will that even grow back? I get the feeling he's going to pass away. He's in the java moss in agony :/
  40. G

    Ripped My Fish Up :`(

    I've had one of the worst accidents ever! I was just gravel vacing my 25 gallon and i syphoned the male betta up. Out of panic i ran to the tap to stop it instead of probably doing anything correct. He's all ripped up to bits and still alive :no: . my favourite fish as well :sad: I know it...