Me New Tank

I love the clown loaches. Do they like to chase each other around the tank? There was a tank of them at my LFS a while ago and they were the most entertaining fish to watch.
Awesome tank! The improvement from when you first started is amazing. Keep up the good work! :good:
Hello all. I thought I'd do a little update

I cut off some of the java moss and put it on the man's head but it slowly dissapeared. I gotta buy a new bunch for it :unsure:

I've got a few more plants now. I was having major defiency problems for a while, I lost quite a lot of plants. I've stopped the dry dosing. My tank seems to generate enough phosphate and nitrate to the requried level by itself :blink:

A few of me rainbow fish and mollies.


Plants overgrowing lately!


From a distance


This is a smaller tank I've got but needs a lot of work done to it. Loads of green dust algae and it's a bit of a state. This leapord fish loves it in there though

Love the main shot of the tank it looks amazing now, ive enjoyed the progression of your tanks greatly over the last few months, keep us updated with any changes wont you.
Hello all , thanks for all the comments you have left.

Got a new camera here and I've been real lazy to prune the tank, thought I'd take some shots before i chop it all away!

Gold gourami with several rainbowfish amongst the forest


Some rainbowfish and a big fat platy!


Main shot of the tank


Closer up of the tank dead on


Even closer up, as you can see it's a bit of a jungle in there :hyper:


Bottom of the tank, as you can see because it's overgrown a bit some fish have to weave in and out


Right hand side of the tank looking in, you can't even see to the other end it's thick with Polysperma plant


I'm not sure what we're going to change, the wife isn't too happy with the brazillian plants (at the front on the left) and not too keen on the bacopa monieri (stuff at the front) anything that resembles a lilly type leaf!
Your tank is amazing it has come on so much, i envy you!!!! :good: :hyper: :cool:
Tank looks brilliant. If you look at the original post you can see it has improved so much. I love the filled out look before you prune it seems more of a jungle and green.
Thanks both :good:

Today I gave it the prune, it took about 45 minutes to do! Now it looks so bare, a lot of the plants underneath got some defiencies so it's not that great, I realise now I should have planted the top parts, and got rid of the bottoms, but I'll do that next time!
I love your tank. My favorite part is the head. Where did you find it? I need one of those. It is so cool. The plants are great too. I would love to see what it looks like after the trim. :good:

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