Me New Betta

hes the corrie background :hyper: :hyper:
for anyone that doesnt know corrie is a soap on tv, i didnt mean cories......
Oh he reminds me alot of my ct Raj.. who was watching the video as well heh.
Very pretty!
And I must say you have a gorgeous tank!
Thanks all for the messages :good: :)

I'm not sure what sort of Betta he is, is there such thing as a regular Betta?

My last one died of bloat, and the one before that I had the worst accident ever and syphoned him :angry:

It's great he doesn't flare at any of the fish, and shows no sign of aggression. I don't know if there is such a thing as a mad Betta, he swims like that all day and never stops. The last two I had just breezed along all day in slow motion :unsure:

He is in the 25 gallon which contains 3 cories, 2 spotted climbing perch, 2 bolivian rams and currently a black sailfin molly (prison tank for him, he was beating up the females in the 95 gallon)
He's a veiltail, which are the most commonly sold bettas on the market, hes lovely though. And very active :wub: good find!! :good:
He is a little star...lovely vid. as well. I was thinking how long before he goes up to breathe, oh he has just remembered :shout:
He's a veiltail, which are the most commonly sold bettas on the market, hes lovely though. And very active :wub: good find!! :good:

thanks :good: i was curious to know which he was. Would it be risky to add a female to that tank? of the sameish colour.

I heard they can fight, I have a 95 gallon tank incase it goes bad , dunno if it's worth rocking the boat.

He is very very very lively and swims like mad all day long, it's the only betta i've had that does this. Surprised he isn't tired yet, not stopped swimming mad in weeks :hyper:
I would advise against putting a female in with him, they would fight and it wouldnt end up very nice :/
Great boy though, very active.

I would advise against putting a female in with him, they would fight and it wouldnt end up very nice :/
Great boy though, very active.


cheers mate, i wont risk it, i have got a female in the massive tank, but wont put her with yiddo

cheers! :good:
He's beautiful! I agree with the others - they'll either fight or they may even mate (even though the conditions aren't perfect for mating - it still could be possible.)

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