Ripped My Fish Up :`(


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2006
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I've had one of the worst accidents ever!

I was just gravel vacing my 25 gallon and i syphoned the male betta up. Out of panic i ran to the tap to stop it instead of probably doing anything correct.

He's all ripped up to bits and still alive :no: . my favourite fish as well :sad:

I know it sounds like an impossiblity, any chance of survival?
I've had some really torn up angels from pairing incidents. A separate tank, 50% daily water changes, and some melafix works well. I've had a couple missing 2/3 of their fins, with eyes swollen like a boxer. Fins grow back, eyes heal up.
I've added some melafix in there. a piece of his back is missing, will that even grow back? I get the feeling he's going to pass away. He's in the java moss in agony :/
It depends on the depth of the wound. Missing scales usually grow back, missing skin will heal over. Beyond that it's iffy, clean water is the most important thing at this point.
thanks tolak, i'll try my best to keep it clean. i really can't believe i done that :sad: worst thing ever

i'm seriously considering getting rid of the tank now and just keeping the 95 gallon going.

i should win idiot of the year award for :fish:
true , i just feel a bit of a dimmy though

slowcoach died a few hours later, he was badly torn up. my girlfriend just told me there is a thing to stop the python sucking more which i didn't realise in a panic

i guess people always learn from their mistakes, this will teach me a lesson for the future!
Don't beat yourself up about this, it was an accident and you've learnt something for the future. Very sorry about Slowcoach though. :rip:
Thanks both :good:

Today I bought slow coach 2 , hopefully he'll live a happy life!

I'll upload pictures at some point :D

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