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    Urgent Help Needed

    all gone now, what a mistake that was :angry: :sad: :no:
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    Urgent Help Needed

    two gone now and think the last wont make it much longer :no: :no: :no: :-( :-( :-(
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    Urgent Help Needed

    went to clean their tank and while i was cleaning the filter when i got back they all looked dead, i notice that was using a cloth to clean the glass and it was the wrong cloth, it was one of those anti static clothes, I have got some live back in them by puttting them in a separate tank and...
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    Urgent Help Needed

    done water test and everthing is fine, but while doing that lost my favourite one and think another one wont be far
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    Urgent Help Needed

    went to clean their tank and while i was cleaning the filter when i got back they all looked dead, i notice that was using a cloth to clean the glass and it was the wrong cloth, it was one of those anti static clothes, I have got some live back in them by puttting them in a separate tank and...
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    Not A Newbie

    I just think of taking them all abck and saying that they should have never sold me them cos they should have known that what fish go with what and not, am really not happy about all this an so are my original fish cos the peace has been disturb cheers for the info have to go and try and...
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    Not A Newbie

    yeah I know this but they are still young not over a year yet but when the time is right I'll be putting them into a bigger tank
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    Not A Newbie

    85 gall neon, killie, sword's, fighter, and then stock up on the rummy's the rest I'm not bothered about another tank i have is 18litres with 3 common goldies
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    Not A Newbie

    I have another tank with some gold fish in it whish has a filter and heater which is only 18 litres but i know that goldie are coldfish but I could give that a try think of taking the gourami's back as I had them before and they are the same colour as the sword's
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    Not A Newbie

    I have been fishkeeping for two and half years now but tried some new fish togehter but it's a nightmare 10 neons (6 new) 4 killies 2 sunset gourami's (new) 2 swordtails (new) 2 giant danio's (new) 1 siamese fighter(new) 1 red rummy I am wanting to keep out of th new one's the fighter and...
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    External Filters

    I have the eheim aquaball 2008 internal and would like to change to an external one to free some space up in my tank, and cause 1 or 2 of my fish keep hiding behind the filter and in the past some have dyed because they get stuck, my tank size is 24"x12"x12" and is heavily planted with an...
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    External Filters

    I have the eheim aquaball 2008 internal and would like to change to an external one to free some space up in my tank, and cause 1 or 2 of my fish keep hiding behind the filter and in the past some have dyed because they get stuck, my tank size is 24"x12"x12" and is heavily planted with an...
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    Were To Get Refills

    cheers had an idea on doing it this way but didn't want to give it a try as i always muck things up, but know it seems pretty much striaght forward so cheers big Ian :good: :good:
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    Anyone Know About These Fish

    I have bought 2 pair of breeding aphyosemion hera, 2 juvenile striatum 2 pair of breeding nothobranchius korthause I haven't a clue about these and I know i should have done my research but didn't have the time as it was bought far from home and i just fell in love with these guys and their...
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    Were To Get Refills

    I have ran out of my co2 refill ativators and stabilizers sachets, doe anyone know where i can get them in more than packs of 3 (may be 12) and cheap to. I've tried ebay but only packets of 3 and for £4.99 so anyone knows anything that would be great.
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    were can I find a cheap and good quality hood for my 24"x12" tank, it would be online too and possible one that does charge to much for delivery cheers :good: :nod:
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    Hoods Online

    a bit flimsey looking cheers anyway
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    Hoods Online

    I need a new hood for my tank as the one i've got is falling apart, so does anyone know any good website were i can buy one for cheap and good quality
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    Your Thoughts On Seachem Prime

    It removes chlorine,chloramine and ammonia, converts ammonia into a safe non toxic form and will be removed by the tanks biofilter, it can be used in the tanks cycling to alleviate ammonia/nitrite toxicity, also detoxifies nitrite and nitrate allowing the biofilter to more efficiently remove...
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    Your Thoughts On Seachem Prime

    after i clean my tank out and check my water is fine which it is most time, i use seachem prime, i am just wondering if anyone else uses this stuff??????????????????????
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    Record Hammerhead Shark

    I cant stand people like this clyde buck dennis idiot how go out hanting for shark and other big fish, dont they know that sharks aren't counted for and that man are hunting them just for their fins, this is out of order and espicailly when this shark was about to give birth, this is like...
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    Angel Fish Have Laid Eggs On Filter.....

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    White Peacock Endler Fry ammended my profile as it was out of date a bit My barbs can go back to my friend and my gourami's aren't that old too but these can go back to my friend as well infact the tigers are going because they are getting a bit aggro toward the other fish and they always want all the food TIGER...
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    White Peacock Endler Fry

    what about tiger barbs :crazy:
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    White Peacock Endler Fry

    I mean when they are older 3-4 months
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    White Peacock Endler Fry

    Just bought these fry and are about 1-2 weeks old :bday: I don't really know to much about them apart from they are a hardy fish and like mature aqauriums and are peaceful fish but what i need to know is what type of fish can i mix them with :fish: :fish: :fish:
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    Worlds Largest Aquarium Petition Is Up - Sign!

    :good: signed up too :good: no219
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    Fluval....rena....eheim...canister Filters

    you should try their website if your not to sure, but I was looking for a new filter about 2 weeks ago and the wolf recommended me to use the eheim's one, the best advice ever, I have my tank in my bedroom and I can't even hear the filter at night when am trying to get to sleep :nod: :nod...
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    Fish Magazines!

    Practical fishkeeping
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    Pink Gravel And 'no Fishing Signs' Etc...

    pure tacky any ill thought out
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    Sand As A Substrate

    Will my plants grow in sand or will they need something more stable to grip on too
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    Local Water Ph

    Mine here in greenock scotland is 6.6ph
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    Boring Fish Tank

    have no background and just lots of plants and rocks and natural sand not white sand
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    I told my lfs that i did this and they said that I shouldn't do this, as it will all end up in the filter plus the bigger fish will not feel as if they have been fed, so they will start to attack the other fish. If the flakes were suppose to be made fine, don't you think they would sell it that...
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    Feeding Fish

    The frequency and quantity with which you should feed tropical fish is dependant on the amont, species and size of the tropical fish you are keeping. Small fish such as tetras and guppies should be fed more often that the larger fish, two to three times per day, with small mouth sized food is...
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    Easiest Way To Change Out Sand?

    did you wash the sand throughly before you put it in tank if not try taking most of the sand out wash the sand till the water runs clear But if you want to clear the tanks of sand best scoping most of the sand out with a spoon or something bigger then what you can't get out just vacuum it
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    Fish Go Flying Mad

    My tank doesn't have any background on it, it just glass that whole way round So when I lookied at my fish and wondered why they were all chase the same spot of that tank I realise there was a fly stuck down the back of tank and the fish were trying to eat it you have too be there to see it...
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    Could Someone Please Help Me Sex This Blue Ram? (photo Attached)
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    Aqua One ( The Decision)

    allan which shops do you go to and which town do you live in cos i might know some shops near you