

Fish Fanatic
Jan 18, 2006
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South Gloucestershire - UK

I know of two frogs that need a home - one dwarf frog and one albino clawed frog. I believe the clawed frog will get bigger than the dwarf. I would have them in my tank but there's no room and I don't want them to eat my fishies or stress them out. Can the frogs live together in a smallish tank (with some plant and decor) or should they really be in a big tank with fish? What is the minimum sized tank for them?

If it's do-able I'm gonna have them but it really depends on the size of tank & cost.


Hey vicky,
I have a couple of clawed frogs, they are very cute little critters to watch and they certainnly havee alot of character.

Most of the infomation on that link- is pretty good and should help you make your desision.

The only thing I would say after reading it is, don't put gravel in like it says if they are small, they are really clumsy eaters and just cram anything that will fit into their mouth in. including gravel which can mess them up pretty bad or even kill them. sand is more appropriate (unfortunatlely because they are also quite messy and its harder to clean)

Hope thats some use

Don't know about keeping dwarfs and clawed together, wouldn't have thoughht it was a good long term answer.
don't put a dwarf frog in with a clawed frog, the clawed frog will get bigger and eat the adf. adf's can go in small fish community tanks (as long as they are peaceful) ACF's need their own tank.
That's brill - thanks!

I think I'm going to "rescue" them. I'll try to get a tank at the weekend. Should the tank be cycled first?

I'm not sure after reading the info in the link if they are a dwarf and a clawed. They look very similar just one is browny grey and the other is albino. The grey one is slightly smaller than the albino - maybe they are male & female?

I'll check their front feet and eyes when I see them to check it out. If they are different I'll pop the dwarf one in my tropical community tank. If they are the same, they can live together!!

If I do have to separate them, will they be ok alone?

Thanks for your help!

I don't think they are particularily picky when it comes to water quality, but why don't you 'borrow' water from your other tank and store it as you do your water changes and use that?

I don't know if they need company but one of mine was getting thinner and thinner because of he's a clumsy feeder and there is quite alot of competition in the tank so I rehoused him in a little tank by himself to give him a chance and he looked really pi$$ed off (I don't know how I know this but I do!) and didn't move for a day except to get air.

I put his buddy in and they are fine now, swimming around all over the place.

I think its quite rare for a dwarf frog to be albino.

Cheers, good luck with the new setup.

P.S If you run into any really big problems, or decide there not for you, which I'm sure you won't. I now have a frog tank so I can 'rescue' them if you need. I'm in Chippenham so its only 20 minutes away (by my housemates driving anyway)

Ah thanks Loronz - unfortunately they decided they couldn't wait for me to get sorted and took them back to the shop for credit. I took a look at them before they went - definately both african clawed frogs!!

Let's hope Larry & Silas go to good homes.

I think I might be on the lookout for a dwarf for my fishy tank though - they are so much fun swimming about in there!

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